Intervention Levels for Programs to Address Identified Gaps

Click the areas below to view each level, its goals, and triggers to explore action.

Individualized Learning Plan (ILP)

The ILP is a written academic planning and tracking tool, developed by the trainee in conjunction with program leadership for academic progress, at the beginning of each program year with program leadership or a mentor; for ACGME programs, this is a common program requirement (V.A.1.d).(3).  


Typical process for completing the ILP

Goals for an expanded Individualized Learning Plan

Triggers for Action at this level

Case study examples of how expanded individualized learning plans can be utilized for addressing gaps 

Probation or Discipline Based on Misconduct


Probation is action to remedy academic performance deficiencies, if not addressed, may lead to dismissal.  Probation gives the trainee a set amount of time to correct their deficiencies defined in the probation letter in order to resume in the program in good standing. If deficiencies do not improve during this time frame, the program will need to make the decision if a longer probation period is appropriate or if the trainee should be dismissed.  This action becomes part of a trainee's permanent training record.


Triggers for Action at this level

Discipline Based on Misconduct


Triggers for Action at this level -- when Discipline may be imposed (as determined by the Program Director and/or Associate Dean for GME):

Discipline is imposed for conduct that violates University, Medical School, GME, or Program policy, but does not reflect or implicate academic performance, or otherwise fall into the academic category.  Examples of non-academic misconduct include, but are not limited to:

Dismissal/Termination/Failure to Advance/Resignation


This involves a written notice of immediate and permanent removal of the trainee by the Program Director from the educational program and the trainee's contract for failing to maintain academic and/or other professional standards required to progress or complete the program.  This becomes part of the trainee's permanent training record.  

Triggers for Action (see official policy for Discipline, Dismissal, and Failure to Advance)

Decisions for dismissal for academic reasons are made by the Program Director, typically after a recommendation by the Clinical  Competency Committee of the program.

Decisions for dismissal for non-academic reasons (ex. policy violations, sexual misconduct, conviction of a felony, intentional violations of HIPPA) are made by the Department Chair, typically in consultation with the Program Director, the Associate Dean for GME, and program HR.

Failure to Advance

This is a written notice of intent not to advance a trainee to the next year of training.  The trainee must be given notice at least 4 months before the end of the program year. 

Triggers for Action

Options for Programs


Residents/fellows who wish to resign before completing their training program must give at least a 30 day notice unless an exception is made by the Program Director, who must notify the Associate Dean for GME in writing.  Notice must be given in writing to the Program Director.  All conditions of appointment will terminate on the effective date of the resignation. 

Termination Resignation Agreement (Separation Agreement from the U of M)

A Termination Resignation Agreement can be offered only after the program decides to terminate based on adequate grounds.  The Office of General Counsel negotiates settlement with trainee’s counsel or Student Dispute Center advocate.  Usual terms: trainee resigns, agree on academic credit, file decisions, credentialing statement, recommendation, and release.