Cardiopulmonary Exercise Testing (CPET)

Upper body ergometer

Cardiopulmonary Exercise Testing (CPET)

CPET can be performed on your choice of a treadmill, upright cycle ergometer, recumbent cycle ergometer, or upper body ergometer.

All CPET include 12 Lead ECG (Cardiac Science) – The Quinton Q-Stress 12 ECG is the hospital and laboratory gold standard for cardiac stress testing. This 12 lead ECG possesses motion artifact filters to produce clean ECG even at vigorous intensity exercise.

Indirect calorimetry and optional cardiac output assessment:

MGA 1100 Mass Spectrometer (Beck Integrated Physiological Systems) This mass spectrometer with gas analysis measurement is programmed for breath by breath or mixing chamber oxygen uptake and cardiac output and has the capacity to expand measurements to include diffusion capacity, and complete cardiorespiratory panel including, but not limited to: VO2, VCO2, RER, minute ventilation, ventilatory equivalents, and oxygen pulse. With cardiac output, blood pressure, and ECG assessment, stroke volumes and total peripheral resistance can also be assessed.

Training room featuring treadmills & arm bikes

Exercise Training

The SoNLCP provides both cardiovascular (via treadmill, upper body ergometry, recumbent bicycle, or total body recumbent cycler) and resistance training for research studies. Training is tailored to the specific objectives of the project. Pricing varies and is negotiated on an individual basis.