Finding Research
in 4 Steps...
4 Steps to Finding Research in Psychology
4 Steps to Finding Research in Psychology
Step 1: Define your interests in Psych Research
Who do you want to study? What topics do you want to study? Expand your exploration to see how your interests may connect with other labs. Plan to explore many labs (7-10) in the process.
Step 1: Define your interests in Psych Research
Who do you want to study? What topics do you want to study? Expand your exploration to see how your interests may connect with other labs. Plan to explore many labs (7-10) in the process.
Step 2: Explore your options
Use the web-based resources provided (Faculty Look Book, department research lab websites,, and Google Scholar) to learn about faculty and their research labs. Request informational interviews or talk with graduate students and other undergraduates working in labs. Ask an advisor if you need help.
Step 2: Explore your options
Use the web-based resources provided (Faculty Look Book, department research lab websites,, and Google Scholar) to learn about faculty and their research labs. Request informational interviews or talk with graduate students and other undergraduates working in labs. Ask an advisor if you need help.
Step 3: Organize your plan
Download our Research Lab Application Tracker to organize your efforts - keep notes on your interests and submitted materials.
Step 3: Organize your plan
Download our Research Lab Application Tracker to organize your efforts - keep notes on your interests and submitted materials.
Step 4: Follow up and Confirm
Finding a position may sometimes be difficult. Be Patient. Be Professional. Be Persistent. Allow 2-3 business days for a reply, and then follow-up. If you do not hear back, continue with contacting the next option on your list. More details and tips are found on our PSY 4993/5993 Directed Research webpage, (which includes a link to the Research Contract, once a position is confirmed.
Step 4: Follow up and Confirm
Finding a position may sometimes be difficult. Be Patient. Be Professional. Be Persistent. Allow 2-3 business days for a reply, and then follow-up. If you do not hear back, continue with contacting the next option on your list. More details and tips are found on our PSY 4993/5993 Directed Research webpage, (which includes a link to the Research Contract, once a position is confirmed.
Two Options to access the Research Application Tracker:
1.) Use the direct download link above OR
2.) Hover your mouse over the upper right corner of the embedded google sheet to open up the Google sheet in a new window. Then, you may make a copy and edit your own.