Past Events

Get to Know Your Faculty Events

Psychology Undergraduate Advising has invited faculty from different Psychology areas to our Get to Know Your Faculty events. Students have enjoyed the conversation with our faculty at a more personal level and learned tips along the way to apply for research labs. Below is a collection of recordings we made of the events, and one can follow along the conversation as if they were there themselves!

Dr. Alex Ajayi

Dr. Alex Ajayi comes from the Counseling area. Dr. Ajayi has two related lines of inquiry focused on social identity, health disparities, and well-being. He heads up a couple different research labs on these topics, and he has taught PSY 3511 Intro to Counseling in the past. 

Dr. Cheryl Olman

Dr. Cheryl Olman is from the Cognitive and Brain Sciences (CAB) area. Some of Dr. Olman's current research interests includes: visual psychometrics, neural imaging, and scene perception. She additionally teaches classes about sensation and perception and functional neuroimaging. 

Dr. Drexler James

Dr. Drexler James specializes in social psychology.  Dr. Drexler James is currently doing research on Health Disparities and Equity, Social Determinants of Health, and Psychological Essentialism. Dr. Dexler James has taught classes on cultural and socio-cultural psychology. 

Dr. Deniz Ones

Dr. Deniz Ones is from the Industrial Organizational area of Psychology. Dr. Ones has taught Psy 5701 Organizational Staffing and Decision Making and has exciting Psy 5993 undergrad research opportunities to get involved with! 

Dr. Traci Mann

Dr. Traci Mann is our faculty from the Social Psychology area and specializes in Eating disorders, Self-control, and health behavior. Dr. Mann also runs the Health and Eating Laboratory. Watch the video where she talks about collaborating with NASA astronauts for weight gain studies. 

Dr. Amanda Woodward 

Dr. Woodward's research interests lie in early social cognition. She is interested in the ways we think about others, predict future behavior, choose friends, and how these processes change as we get older. Her current focus is on how children think about those who have included or excluded them and what factors influence these judgments. 

Dr. Bonnie Klimes-Dougan

Dr. Klimes-Dougan runs the Research in Adolescent Depression (RAD) Laboratory. Her research focuses on the neurobiology of mood disorders in adolescents. She is particularly interested in analyzing the risk factors associated with early-stage depression and suicidal risk. 

Dr. Iris Vilares

Dr. Vilares is the head of the Decision Making Lab. Her research focuses on how decision-making differs in people with psychiatric and neurological diseases. She uses tools from cognitive neuroscience with neuroeconomics and computational models to analyze this. 

Dr. Bill Iacono

Dr. Iacono is the co-director for the Minnesota Center for Twin and Family Research. He specializes in clinical psychology. His research focuses on cognitive brain development in adolescents. 

Research in Psychology Panel

Spring 2024 Panel of Undergrad Students in Research Labs:

Tips to find research from a student perspective!

Fall 2022 Psychology Student Research Panel:

Tips to find research from a student perspective!

Fall 2020 Panel of Undergrad Students in Research Labs:

Internship in Psychology Panel

Fall 2023 Panel of Undergrad Students in Internships:

Watch this internship panel to learn what it's like to be a student involved in a psychology internship! 

Spring 2021 Panel of Undergrad Students in Internships:

Transfer Connections Event

Transfer Connections Event 2022 Recording.mp4
Watch our Spring 2022 Transfer Connections Event to learn more about how to get connected as a transfer student (or as any psychology student)! In this event, we hear from 2 of our student groups, Psi Chi and IOPC, and learn about what they have to offer as well as how to get involved. We also hear from our student panelist, Ann Kalin, about her experience as a transfer student getting involved in research and how it benefited her college experience. This event is a great way to get access to different resources that are offered to every psychology student.