2021 Junior Summer Institute

Program Information

Basic Information About the Program

Emerging leaders who participate in the Humphrey School JSI will leave the program equipped for graduate studies that focus on addressing the grand challenges of our time, including such issues as global affairs, human rights, diversity and equity, educational and environmental justice, social welfare innovation, climate change, accessible transit and housing, public safety, and racial justice. Understanding that JSI participants are interested in a wide range of grand challenges, we work with each participant to develop field-based research and community engagement projects that allow you to apply what you learn during the summer to the specific issues that most inspire you.

"Many students are passionate about solving perplexing economic problems facing African Americans, American Indians, Latinos, and Southeast Asians. This includes disproportionate representation in the criminal justice and child welfare systems as well as lower educational attainment, higher suspension rates, lower earnings, and poorer health care outcomes. Our JSI explores how conventional policy analysis tools can be applied to help solve these problems."


2020 Junior Summer Institute Articles

2021 Schedule (Limited Access)