Humphrey's 2021 JSI Cohort!

Meet the fellows!

2021 JSI Bios - Short

Estefani Guiracocha, Augsburg University

Location: Minneapolis, MN

Pronouns: She/Her/Hers

Major: Political Science- Public Policy, Finance

Public service and policy areas of interest:

Nonprofit Management and Public Policy. My main interests include income inequality, racial justice, constructive immigration policies and housing. I specifically desire to serve the Minnesotan Latinx community by supporting constructive immigration policies, expanding affordable housing opportunities, and building a strong infrastructure for the working-class families to move up. My public service career goal is to work for a Latinx-based organization that provides legal support, civic engagement opportunities, and advocates for the societal advancement of Latinx families.

Future education and career goals:

My goal is to work in the Non-profit sector. I want to work close to communities while also being included in policy making decisions.

What topics are you most interested in learning about?:

Race equity and human rights and social justice.

What do you hope to learn/experience during the JSI?:

I hope to learn more about economics and better enhance my quantitative skills throughout the courses we will be taking as well as its relation to public policy. I am excited to be a part of this cohort and get to experience and learn from policy leaders and alumni. As a first-gen I am also excited to learn about the process of applying to graduate school.

Lisset Perez Jaramillo, Marquette University 

Location: Milwaukee, WI

Pronouns: She/Her/Hers 

Major: Peace Studies, Political Science, International Affairs (Concentration: Peace Studies)

Minors: Latin American Studies, Social Welfare & Justice

Public service and policy areas of interest:

Journalism & poetry on international affairs and global peace effort, international policy, human rights, immigrant & refugee rights, immigration reform, diplomacy, peace work, activism, non- profit work, U.S.-military relations, international law, terrorism, counter- terrorism, human trafficking, femicide, child soldiers, language, Latin American politics, Middle Eastern politics.

Future education and career goals:

To work in diplomacy and peace work in conflicted affected areas.

What topics are you most interested in learning about?:

Immigration, terrorism, war, peace effort, humanitarian & human rights, international law, diplomacy.

What do you hope to learn/experience during the JSI?:

“As a first- generation U.S. citizen and college student, I aspire to grow as a scholar and advocate for the international community. During the JSI I hope to gain the knowledge and understanding on analyzing and writing public and international policy. I desire to learn how to better promote peace and international collaboration through the creation of effective and equitable policies aimed toward justice. Given the presence of such skills as: communication, critical- thinking, analytical, quantitative, and time- management in the field of public policy and international affairs, I hope to develop them throughout my time with the JSI. Likewise, I hope to experience guest lectures by leaders in public policy and international affairs. I would also find it beneficial for guest speakers to be individuals with experience in writing policy, working with the international community, and those who have experienced first- hand the way in which policy aimed towards peace and justice has affected their community.”

Brandon Garcia, Rollins College

Location: Orlando, FL

Pronouns: He/Him/His

Majors: Public Policy & Political Economy

Minor: Political Science

Certificate: Certificate in Volunteer Management

Public service and policy areas of interest:

Criminal legal system transformation, racial justice, immigrant rights, farmworker justice, and LGBTQ+ rights. My passion is centered around criminal legal system transformation related to the way we conceptualize rehabilitation and deter from the punitive, racially motivated systems of policing and incarceration that exist today. I am also extremely passionate about the rights of undocumented individuals, specifically undocumented farmworkers and their labor rights.

Future education and career goals:

Professor; research around incarceration and the criminal legal system.

What topics are you most interested in learning about?:

The criminal legal system, immigration policy, issues around social justice.

What do you hope to learn/experience during the JSI?:

I look forward to learning new concepts not only throughout the program curriculum but also from my peers. Being that we all come from different schools and backgrounds, I would love to hear new perspectives, passions, and ideas as we navigate this program together. I am also interested in furthering my quantitative skills in statistics and economics.

Aicha Cisse, Temple University

Location: Washington, DC

Pronouns: She/Her/Hers

Major: Political Science

Minor: Global Studies and French

Public service and policy areas of interest:

International Development, Diplomacy, and International Organizations

Future education and career goals:

Foreign Service

What topics are you most interested in learning about?:


What do you hope to learn/experience during the JSI?:

I hope to gain experience in statistics which is something I am not too comfortable with.

Gisela Sarabia-Sandoval, Beloit College

Location: Milton, Wisconsin

Pronouns: She/Her/Hers

Major: International Relations

Minor: Latin American and Caribbean Studies, Chinese Language and Culture

Public service and policy areas of interest:

Comparative politics, public policy, human rights, democracy, international affairs, and global affairs, immigration and asylum policy, the intersectionality of gender, race, identity, and policy, non-profit management, policy institutions, policy research to inform best practices.

I plan to pursue graduate school and earn a master's degree or a Ph.D. in international affairs focused on human rights. I hope to work in transitional justice or any other field that will allow me to give back the most to the public good.

Future education and career goals:

To work in international affairs by doing research with international non-governmental organizations that work for refugee and immigrant rights.

What topics are you most interested in learning about?:

The topics that I am most interested about are the concept of race and its effects on policy, institutional racism, and policy analysis for issues like the "border crisis" in the U.S.-Mexico border. I am also interested in learning about careers in international affairs and speaking to JSI fellows that are on the track for a career in international affairs.

What do you hope to learn/experience during the JSI?:

I am looking forward to learning about the experiences of our guest speakers and professors to inform me about the fields I can potentially pursue. I also hope to learn about the pathways I can take to pursue a career in international affairs. I am looking forward to deepening my quantitative and analytical skills to become an equipped student researcher and graduate school candidate.

Ceinna Little, The University of Texas at Austin

Location: Grande Prairie, Texas

Pronouns: She/Her/Hers

Major: Business Honors/Management

Certificate: Social Entrepreneurship & Non-profits; Creative Writing

Public service and policy areas of interest:

Urban Planning/Development, Gentrification Mitigation Practices & Migration/Displacement Patterns, Affordable Housing. My desire is to research and examine the root causes of gentrification and contribute towards mitigation practices that help to preserve the culture and history of urban communities and neighborhoods. I am also interested in how more affordable housing can be created and sustained for community members of the present and future.

Future education and career goals:

Urban Planner/Nonprofit Manager with goals of mitigating gentrification/homelessness and increasing affordable housing

What topics are you most interested in learning about?:

Affordable Housing, Gentrification, Graduate School Planning

What do you hope to learn/experience during the JSI?:

As a JSI participant, I want to be able to strengthen my quantitative skills and learn how to better apply them to public policy issues. I look forward to networking with my peers, professors, and professionals within the field to learn about their unique interests and experiences. Moreover, I want to experience how graduate school/courses are structured and learn about what goes into the application process. Overall, I am excited to gain academic and professional knowledge about public policy and international affairs through participation in the Junior Summer Institute.

Essynce Lewis, Texas A&M University

Location: El Paso, Texas

Pronouns: She/Her/Hers

Majors: International Studies (Politics & Diplomacy Track)

Minor: Spanish, Russian

Certificate: Advanced International Affairs

Public service and policy areas of interest:

peace and conflict, eastern europe, post-soviet security, human rights

Future education and career goals:

Policy Advisor; Mission Management

What topics are you most interested in learning about?:

Foreign Policy, Human Rights, Peace & Conflict Studies, International Relations

What do you hope to learn/experience during the JSI?:

I hope to expand my understanding of economics within a political framework. Specifically, I am interested in learning how governments make decisions based on economic needs and within monetary constraints. I am looking forward to the race and policy seminar to provide a different lens to these topics. I eventually would like to apply this knowledge to craft effective policies for disadvantaged communities. Although the program will be held virtually, I am hopeful I will learn so much from the other young professionals and policy experts about their research experiences.

Yeng Vang, University of Minnesota, Twin Cities

Location: St. Paul, MN

Pronouns: He/Him/His

Major: Applied Economics & Global Studies

Public service and policy areas of interest:

International and economic development, econometrics, policy analysis, education, global affairs, and the legislation. I am interested in a variety of topics within these areas of interest, but I have a greater desire to work with marginalized and underprivileged communities around the world through the government, nonprofits, multilateral organizations, or NGOs.

Future education and career goals:

I want to work as a policy advisor/analyst at an international NGOS, IGOS, or multilateral organization.

What topics are you most interested in learning about?:

I'm interested in economic policy, econometrics, international policy, legislation, food insecurity, education, cultural practices in no particular order.

What do you hope to learn/experience during the JSI?:

I hope to learn more about the processes that can be taken to measure the effects of and prove the need for certain policies. I want to learn and experience more specifically the research required to analyze the effectiveness or ineffectiveness of policies. I am also excited to meet my peers this summer and hope to learn about the interests of everyone else.

Yadira Hernandez-Figueroa, University of California, Berkeley

Location: Merced, California

Pronouns: She/They

Majors: Political Science and Ethnic Studies

Public service and policy areas of interest:

Educational Policy, Racial and Educational Equity, Race and Local Politics, and Access to Higher Education. I am specifically interested in making higher education more access to folks from rural and underserved communities. This includes racial and educational equity and educational policy which I am most interested in pursuing in the future. I am also very interested in the relationship and the intersection of race and local politics and its repercussions on entire communities.

Future education and career goals:

Pursue Master and work in Policy

What topics are you most interested in learning about?:

Some topics of interests are the impacts of race on policy making, educational and health disparities, educational policies.

What do you hope to learn/experience during the JSI?:

I hope to expand my knowledge on public policy, gain new qualitative and quantitative skills, as well as learn from and alongside other fellows. I'm very excited to take classes outside of my comfort zone and push myself towards growth both personally and academically. I'm hoping that JSI prepares me to dive deeper into policy work and that I grow more comfortable reading, writing, and analyzing public policy. I'm especially looking forward to creating an encouraging and safe virtual environment for all fellows in the program.

Martin Moreno, Georgetown University

Location: Beautiful Phoenix, Arizona

Pronouns: He/Him/His

Major: Government

Public service and policy areas of interest:

Public Administration, City Management, Latino Affairs

Future education and career goals:

Serve in Local Municipal Government (Greater Phoenix Area)

What topics are you most interested in learning about?:

I am interested in diving deeper into Race and Policy, specifically how certain policy strategies seek to exclude and include certain groups. Hopefully through this discussion, we address issues like Gentrification.

What do you hope to learn/experience during the JSI?:

I am excited to dive deeper in learning more about how to apply statistical and policy analysis at the local municipal level.

Jaqueline Martinez, American University

Location: Chicago, IL

Pronouns: She/Her/Hers

Majors: Public Health

Minor: Public Administration and Policy

Certificate: Leadership and Ethical Development

Public service and policy areas of interest:

I am very interested in health policy that is cognizant of equity, social determinants of health, and adverse childhood experiences (ACEs). Another major area of interest of mine is criminal justice policy, specifically issues surrounding mass incarceration, racial disparities among those arrested and detained, exploring alternatives to arrest/incarceration, and amplifying restorative and transformative justice based approaches across communities---all of which can be addressed using a public health lens. I aim to focus on the nation's problem of criminalizing mental illness, substance use disorder, immigration status and/or poverty.

Future education and career goals:

Policy Analyst, Think tanks, Policy Institutes, advocating for detained individuals (anyone that interacts with the carceral system), maternal health advocacy for women of color.

What topics are you most interested in learning about?:

Public Health/criminal justice/social policy, Leadership & Management skills, Navigating higher ed/career exploration as first gen student.

What do you hope to learn/experience during the JSI?:

I am looking forward to learning about how to best read and develop strategic policy recommendations. I am excited by the idea of mapping out and articulating sustainable, yet ethical policy through collaboration with my JSI peers. Coursework related to quantitative research really appeals to me as I strive to be proficient in using data as a means of crafting sound arguments in hopes of becoming a policy analyst.

Shara Jeyharajah, Southern Methodist University

Location: Coppell, TX

Pronouns: She/Her/Hers

Major: Human Rights and Music

Minor: Political Science

Public service and policy areas of interest:

Racial justice, the role of art and media in public education

Future education and career goals:

I seek to investigate nontraditional education spaces, from podcasts to social media, that will support young people in fostering solidarity, analyzing human rights issues, and advancing the social justice.

What topics are you most interested in learning about?:

As a human rights student, I am deeply moved by repairing systemic racism in America, particularly mass incarceration and education inequity. I have spent a significant portion of my undergraduate career in activist spaces. However, I would be grateful to learn about the policies that effectively address these widespread issues. On what levels of government should I train my focus to maximize my potential to effect change? Advancing justice in these spheres also requires a multi-pronged approach ranging from sensitive media portrayals to resource reallocation. Which non-governmental/state forces have been the most effective in advancing human rights?

What do you hope to learn/experience during the JSI?:

I look forward to exploring policy, research methods, and advocacy routes that effectively advance justice and dignity.

Jaleah Cullors, University of Kansas

Location: Lawrence, Kansas

Pronouns: She/Her/Hers

Major: Political Science and Global and International Studies

Minors: Leadership; Spanish, Intelligence and National Security Studies, and Middle Eastern Studies

Public service and policy areas of interest:

Peace and Conflict Studies, Counterterrorism Policy, International Security. My research and foreign policy interests focus on the United States’ counterterrorism policy, as well as how international institutions approach terrorism. Historically, counterterrorism policy has been ineffective due to an an overreaction in violence and indiscriminate punishments (instead of targeting terrorists, the general population also faces consequences). In the future, I hope to craft counterterrorism policy that does not negatively impact the general population. Furthermore, I hope future counterterrorism policy in the United States addresses the cultural and racial stereotypes we place on the Middle East and North Africa (where the majority of terrorist events occur), in order to remove those biases in policy.

Future education and career goals:

Educational Equity Policy Analyst

What topics are you most interested in learning about?:

Educational equity

What do you hope to learn/experience during the JSI?:

I am most looking forward to learning about quantitative research methods and analysis. As a student in the social sciences, I have conducted several research projects using qualitative research methods, but I am looking to incorporate more quantitative elements to become a more well-rounded researcher. Also, I am excited to join the PPIA alumni network. Networking is daunting, but a valuable skill!

Anthony Huerta-Apanco, Villanova University

Location: Villanova, PA

Pronouns: He/Him/His

Major: Political Science

Minor: French and Francophone Studies

Public service and policy areas of interest:

I am most interested in advocacy, social justice, immigration, and learning more about how disparities play a prevalent role in the upbringing of those that are marginalized within the country. I also find it important to understand why our political system is so polarized. Therefore, taking the time to listen to the varying opinions of others is directly correlated to the topics listed above because certain incentives and initiatives cannot take place with only one side on board.

Future education and career goals:

Public Service, Non-Profit, Education/Social Policy, Advocacy

What topics are you most interested in learning about?:

I am very interested in learning about race and politics. I understand that there are a plethora of disparities among communities, but I want to know to what degree and how to be a proper advocate for that.

What do you hope to learn/experience during the JSI?:

As a global citizen I am excited to get to know each of my peers and develop relationships that will carry on following the program itself. With that, learning from the experiences of others and strengthening skills that I may not have now will play a detrimental role for my success in my future endeavors.

Lili Braatz, University of Minnesota, Twin Cities

Location: Appleton, Wisconsin

Pronouns: She/Her/Hers

Majors: Global Studies, Political Science, and Spanish Studies

Public service and policy areas of interest:

I am most interested in education, immigration, human rights, and foreign policy. I am also interested in community sustainability at every level, especially how these different policies impact the levels of government and people. Lastly, I’m also interested in international relations and development and the power relations between countries. Overall, I’m interested and hope to give back to my communities by improving or helping in varying attainable ways towards their goals.

Future education and career goals:

Finishing and continuing my education. Finding and learning more about different job options and positions (more public and nonprofit organizations) and post-undergrad opportunities. Improving networking and professional writing and speaking skills. Doing more leadership or managing roles. Enjoying what I do as a career. Maybe, living and working abroad for a couple of years.

What topics are you most interested in learning about?:

Global public policy (maybe comparisons and contrasts), intersections of gender and race in public policy and international affairs, international development, current and ongoing human rights events/situations and their challenges for decisionmakers, organizations, governments, individuals, etc, grant writing, and security and crisis situations

What do you hope to learn/experience during the JSI?:

I hope to learn more and better understand statistics and economics and their relation to public policies. In addition, I would like to learn more about public policy, from its creation to its implementation. Furthermore, I hope to learn more about graduate school, the application process and learn new skills for graduate school. Lastly, I hope to meet, network, and create relationships with people and learn more about careers and post-undergraduate opportunities.

Zeyna Faucette, University of California, Los Angeles

Location: Los Angeles, CA

Pronouns: She/Her/Hers

Major: African American Studies

Minor: Public Affairs

Public service and policy areas of interest:

Educational Policy, Immigration/DACA, Womxn's Health Care, and Urban Planning.

My policy interests began in Educational Policy, growing up in Los Angeles it was very evident the lack of resources students of color receive and the impact it had on their education. Many schools do not create the proper learning environment for students, in particular policing on campus does not benefit Black and Brown students because of the racial bias against them. I took an interest in educational policy because I believe schools should be a safe and growing environment for all students.

Future education and career goals:

Educational Policy or Civil Rights Law

What topics are you most interested in learning about?:

Educational Policy, prison reform, urbanization, spatial exclusion and displacement

What do you hope to learn/experience during the JSI?:

I hope to learn from many different policy leaders and hear different perspectives about the work done in different communities. I look forward to learning from my peers and seeing all the different work that is being done from all over the country. I am also hoping to develop my qualitative research skills and get a better understanding of policy work.

Lenika Rivas Sanchez, Brown University

Location: Providence, Rhode Island

Pronouns: She/Her/Hers

Majors: Environmental Studies

Minor: Latin American & Caribbean Studies

Certificate: CHCI Congressional Intern

Public service and policy areas of interest:

Growing up in the beautiful and diverse desert of Arizona has instilled me with a passion for environmental justice, advocacy for legislation concerning our climate and Latinx community empowerment. Additionally, I am interested in areas regarding sustainability, racial and class justice, international relations, transformative justice, public policy relating to immigration and feminist issues, as well as efforts relating to decolonization and the dismantlement of capitalism, white supremacy and health disparities.

Future education and career goals:

Work for the EPA, Congress or local policy.

What topics are you most interested in learning about?:

Environmental Justice, Law and Policy, Healthcare, Immigration Policies, Human Rights, Environmental Economics

What do you hope to learn/experience during the JSI?:

As a PPIA participant, I hope to expand my understanding of public policy at work, become more acquainted with quantitative analytical skills and gain experience with graduate-level coursework. I want to better understand how to represent marginalized folks, the economically exploited communities and BIPOC (Black, Indigenous and People of Color) communities who are suffering from climate-related justice issues.

Joshua Chun, Temple University

Location: Philadelphia, PA

Pronouns: He/Him/His

Major: History and Political Science

Public service and policy areas of interest:

Race and Gender in American/International Public Policy, Human Rights, Policy Analysis and Implementation, NGOs, Non-Profit Work, Welfare Policy, Social and Economic Equity, Political Philosophy, GOTV efforts amongst youth, Affordable Healthcare. I am extremely interested in getting local communities involved in the political process as well as understanding their political and legal rights. I hope I can advocate for underprivileged groups and continue to serve my community by doing so. Some issues of interest in my neck of the woods include affordable healthcare and housing; education for incoming immigrants; racial and criminal justice; as well as problems with gun violence.

Future education and career goals:

To work in state or local government in some capacity or form. In the near future, I wish to apply to further fellowships such as Pickering, Payne, and/or Rangel. Other than that, I am currently preparing to apply for the Fulbright ETA as my next career goal and move.

What topics are you most interested in learning about?:

In the classes listed, I am extremely interested in Applied Economics for Planners and Policymakers with Noah Wexler and Vishal Jamkar. This is a topic I have not delved into completely, and I still wish to understand the implications of economic policy in depth. I am also interested in further studying race and policy, as I have grasped some knowledge of this in previous courses.

What do you hope to learn/experience during the JSI?:

I hope to meet people with likeminded interests such as public policy and see how they choose to affect their direct communities. I also am interested in preparing for graduate school as well as have a deeper understanding of how policy ends up being developed. I hope to dive deeper into groups that have developed policy (for better or for worse) such as ALEC and see how they have effectively changed or shaped the American political system. I hope to develop a better understanding of economics as well as help shape and better my statistics skills.

Justice Paraiso-Caceres, University of California, Berkeley

Location: Berkeley, CA

Pronouns: He/Him/His

Major: Legal Studies

Minor: Public policy

Public service and policy areas of interest:

Equitable access to Public Health, Policing Accountability.

These specific areas are my passion and call to action. In order for me to be the best public servant, it is important for me to study these issues and develop my skills accordingly.

Future education and career goals:

Work for the California state legislature

What topics are you most interested in learning about?:

I’m very interested in learning about the construction of public policy from a research perspective. I have little experience with conducting research in order to build effective public policy so I would want to build in that area. I am also interested in transportation policy and how I can make transportation more environmentally conscious and efficient for users.

What do you hope to learn/experience during the JSI?:

By expanding my own views about the world, I will create more equitable and beneficial public policy. I am very excited to meet my fellow peers in the program because I will get to learn about their experiences and perspectives. I hope to improve in my ability to collect research and deepen my understanding of economics.

Adam Benjamin, Binghamton University

Location: West Henrietta, NY

Pronouns: He/Him/His

Major: Sociology and Philosophy, Politics, and Law

Public service and policy areas of interest:

I am interested in how the “carceral web” extends from local jails to hospitals, drug and mental health treatment centers, drug courts, schools, and more. I am also interested in prison abolition. This involves divesting in prisons, jails, and police forces, and reallocating those funds into public education, healthcare, job programs, and more. Prison abolition also involves giving reparations to those disproportionately affected by hyper-policing and mass incarceration, including black and indigenous people of color, women, the poor, and those with chronic health issues. I hope to work for a nonprofit organization committed to dismantling the criminal justice system and instituting restorative justice alternatives. Throughout my career, I also hope to empower grassroot mobilizations, promote horizontal and decentralized decision-making processes, and hold major corporations accountable for the ongoing exploitation of wage workers.

Future education and career goals:

Become a sociology professor and work with nonprofit and grassroots organizations aimed at prison abolition

What topics are you most interested in learning about?:

I am most interested in learning how to shape public policy that divests from the criminal justice system and invests in communities most impacted by mass incarceration

What do you hope to learn/experience during the JSI?:

During the JSI, I hope to expand my understanding of economics, statistics, and policymaking. This knowledge will empower me to organize a nonprofit organization, conduct research, and shape policies that dismantles the criminal justice system, narrows the inequality gap, and holds capitalists accountable for the ongoing exploitation of wage workers.

Madison Blanding, University of South Carolina

Location: Columbia, SC

Pronouns: She/Her/Hers

Major: Anthropology

Public service and policy areas of interest:

Future education and career goals:

What topics are you most interested in learning about?:

What do you hope to learn/experience during the JSI?: