The APPD Global Health Learning Community (GHLC) Steering Committee directs the efforts of the GHLC. Steering Committee members are global health educators who have expressed interest in leadership and in providing increased educational resources for pediatric training programs.

amy rule


Emory University

adelaide barnes


Children's Hospital of Philadelphia

Executive Committee

Maneesh Batra

University of Washington 

Sabrina butteris

(Past Chair)

University of Wisconsin

Tania Condurache

(Past Chair)

University of Louisville

Mike Pitt

(Past Chair)

University of Minnesota 

christiana russ

(Past Chair)

Boston Children’s Hospital 

Chuck Schubert

(Past Chair)

Cincinnati Children’s Hospital


(Past Chair)

University of Wisconsin 

Heather Crouse

(Past Chair)

Texas Children's Hospital

jennifer watts

(Past Chair)

Children's Mercy Hospital

steering Committee

Heather haq

Texas Children's Hospital

Kathy Ferrer

Children's National

Lee morris

Levine Children's Hospital

Megan MCHenry

Indiana University

Brittany Murray

Children's Hospital of Atlanta

reena tam

Primary Children's Hospital


Children's Mercy Hospital (Peds ED Fellow)


Colorado Children's

duncan hau 

Weill Cornell Pediatrics

clea sarnquist

Stanford Medicine

faysal saab


Rachel Bensman

Cincinnati Children's

vivianne LEuche

University of Minnesota

Rebecca mercedes

Texas Children's (Post-Doc Clinical Fellow, Pediatric GI)

APPD Spring Meeting 2024 (Chicago, Illinois, USA)

 Vivianne Leuche, Nikki St. Clair (EC member), Sabrina Butteris (EC member), Brittany Murray, Anik Patel, Lee Morris, Heather Haq, Lisa Umphrey, Clea Sarnquist, Duncan Hau, Rachel Bensman, Rebecca Mercedes, Kathy Ferrer, Adelaide Barnes (vice-chair), Amy Rule (chair). Not pictured: Reena Tam, Faysal Saab

APPD Spring Meeting 2023 (Atlanta, Georgia, USA)

 Reena Tam, Heather Haq, Clea Sarnquist, Anik Patel, Renee Alce (2023 Global Educational Scholar, Haiti), Adelaide Barnes (vice-chair), Amy Rule (chair), Lisa Umphrey, Lee Morris, Brittany Morris, Christiana Russ (EC member), and Kathy Ferrer