Dashboard Settings

Terms of Service

Terms of Service

The Open Education Data Dashboard, like all online applications, has terms of service that need to be agreed to before using. When logging in for the first time, you will be prompted to create a password for the Dashboard and agree to the terms of service.

Settings for Institutions


Once you are logged into the Dashboard, the Settings tab will help you to do the following:

Set Administrators
The Dashboard will instruct you to contact OEN staff if you need to change or add Dashboard administrators.

Grant Community Hub Access
As an administrator, you may invite others from your institution to gain access to the OEN Community Hub by adding their email address under the Community Hub Access section. Community Hub content is most relevant to those that support faculty with open education.

While Community Hub access is unlimited, please alert OEN staff if you need to update your any of your 4 delegates to the OEN Google Group community of practice.

If your institution has a publishing program, you can change the name and details of that program here.

Members of  Systems/Consortia
If your institution is a member of a system/consortium that is also a member of the OEN, your membership will be listed here along with contact information for the system/consortium Dashboard admin.

Academic Terms

The first time you login to the dashboard, you will be prompted to enter the academic terms for your institution. This will enable the the dashboard to accurately reflect data in accordance with your institution's academic calendar. 

You can also edit these terms in the Settings tab of the Dashboard.

Settings for Systems/Consortia

The Settings tab for systems/consortia contains three sections: Settings, Institutions, and Terms.


Set Administrators
The Dashboard will instruct you to contact OEN staff if you need to change or add Dashboard administrators.

Grant Community Hub Access
As an administrator, you may invite others from your system or consortium to gain access to the OEN Community Hub by adding their email address under the Community Hub Access section. Community Hub content is most relevant to those that support faculty with open education, or lead open education efforts at their institution.

While Community Hub access is unlimited, please alert OEN staff if you need to update your any of your 4 delegates to the OEN Google Group community of practice.

If your organization has a publishing program, you can change the name and details of that program here.


The institutions that are part of your system/consortia are listed in the Institutions section of the Settings tab.

Academic Terms

The first time you login to the dashboard, you will be prompted to enter the academic terms for the institutions within your system/consortium. This will enable the the dashboard to accurately reflect data in accordance with your institutions' specific academic calendars. 

You can also edit these terms for each institution in the Terms section of the Settings tab of the Dashboard.