Organizers:  Francisco Buera and Pierre-Olivier Weill

Tuesday, July 26

Sovereign Debt and Structural Reforms

   Kjetil Storesletten
University of Oslo
Andreas Müller
University of Oslo
Fabrizio Zilibotti
University of Zurich

The Politics of Sovereign Default under Financial Integration

 Marina Azzimonti
Stony Brook University
Vincenzo Quadrini
University of Southern California

 A Model of the International Monetary System 

  Matteo Maggiori
Harvard University
Emmanuel Farhi
Harvard University    

Wednesday, July 27

   Quantifying Mechanisms Behind Urban-Rural Wage Gaps

Michael Waugh
New York University Stern School
David Lagakos
University of California-San Diego
A. Mushfiq Mobarak
Yale School of Management 

Balanced Growth Despite Uzawa 

  Ezra Oberfield
Princeton University
Gene Grossman
Princeton University
Elhanan Helpman
Harvard University and CIFAR
Thomas Sampson
London School of Economics 

Horizontal and Vertical Polarization:  Task-Specific Technological Change in a Multi-Sector Economy

  Yongseok Shin
Washington University in St. Louis
Sang Yoon (Tim) Lee
University of Mannheim 

Coordinating Business Cycles 

  Mathieu Taschereau-Dumouchel
University of Pennsylvania-Wharton School
Edouard Schaal
New York University

Thursday, July 28

Reputation Cycles 

  Boyan Jovanovic
New York University
Julien Prat

The Tail that Wags the Economy:  Belief-Driven Business Cycles and Persistent Stagnation 

  Venky Venkateswaran
New York University Stern School
Laura Veldkamp
York University Stern School 
Julian Kozlowski
New York University 

 Endogenous Market Making and  Network Formation 

  Briana Chang
University of Wisconsin-Madison
Shengxing Zhang
London School of Economics 

Frictional Goods Markets: Theory and Application

  Randy Wright
University of Wisconsin-Madison
Zachary Bethune
University of Virginia
Michael Choi
University of Iowa 

Friday, July 29  

Consumption and House Prices in the Great Recession 

  Kurt Mitman
IIES, Stockholm University
Greg Kaplan
Princeton University
Giovanni Violante
New York University

 Asset Pricing with Endogenously  Uninsurable Risks  

  Anmol Bhandari
University of Minnesota
Hengjie Ai
University of Minnesota Carlson School              

Monetary Shocks and Banks' Balance Sheets 

  Pablo Kurlat
Stanford University
Sebastian Di Tella
Stanford University 

 On the Optimality of Financial Repression 

   Alessandro Dovis
Pennsylvania State University
V. V. Chari
University of Minnesota
Patrick Kehoe
University of Minnesota