Minnesota Workshop in
Macroeconomic Theory

University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN

The Minnesota Workshop in Macroeconomic Theory is a workshop on dynamic macroeconomic theory sponsored by the National Science Foundation, the University of Minnesota and the Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis. It is held on the campus of the University of Minnesota.

The 2024 conference will last for three days, from

Wednesday, July 31 through Friday, August 2, 2024

Yan Bai (University of Rochester) and Kyle Herkenhoff (University of Minnesota) are the program organizers for this year's conference. 

The schedule includes 14 talks, with ample time for informal discussions among the participants. 

The program for the 2024 workshop is ready:

MN Macro 2024 Program

If you plan to attend, please register here. We expect participants to attend the three days of the conference. 

Information about hotel reservations will be posted soon. 

Program Organizers

Yan Bai

University of Rochester


Kyle Herkenhoff

University of Minnesota



Permanent Organizers

Manuel Amador
Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis &
University of Minnesota

Cristina Arellano
Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis

Larry E. Jones
University of Minnesota

Nancy Stokey
University of Chicago