Organizers: Guido Lorenzoni, Virgiliu Midrigan

Tuesday, July 24

Taxation, Redistribution, and Debt in Incomplete Market Economies with Aggregate Shocks

Thomas Sargent
New York University
Mike Golosov
Princeton University

Foreign Ownership of U.S. Safe Assets: Good or Bad?

Stijn Van Nieuwerburgh
New York University
Jack Favilukis
London School of Economics
Sydney Ludvigson
New York University

Gambling for Redemption and Self-Fulfilling Debt Crises

Juan Carlos Conesa
Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona
Tim Kehoe
University of Minnesota

Wednesday, July 25

Germs, Social Networks and Growth

Alessandra Fogli
University of Minnesota
Laura Veldkamp
New York University - Stern School of Business

Misallocation and Growth

Boyan Jovanovic
New York University

Idea Flows, Economic Growth, and Trade

Francisco Buera
Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapoolis
Fernando Alvarez
University of Chicago
Robert E. Lucas, Jr.
University of Chicago

Why Doesn't Technology Flow from Rich Countries to Poor Countries?

Hal Cole
University of Pennsylvania
Jeremy Greenwood
University of Pennsylvania
Juan M. Sanchez
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis

Thursday, July 26

Survival and Long-Run Dynamics with Heterogeneous Beliefs under Recursive Preferences

Jaroslav Borovicka
University of Chicago

The Role of Housing in Labor Reallocation

Marcelo Veracierto
Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago
Morris Davis
University of Wisconsin
Jonas Fisher
Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago

Man-Bites-Dog Business Cycles

Kristoffer Nimark
Barcelona Graduate School of Economics

Uncertainty and Investment Delays

Nancy Stokey
University of Chicago

Friday, July 27

The Market for OTC Credit Derivatives

Pierre-Olivier Weill
Andrew Atkeson
Andrea Eisfeldt
UCLA - Anderson School

Asset Markets with Heterogeneous Information

Pablo Kurlat
Stanford University

Dynamics in the Market for Federal Funds

Ricardo Lagos
New York University
Gara Afonso
Federal Reserve Bank of New York

External Financing and the Role of Financial Frictions over the Business Cycle: Measurement and Theory

Ariel Zetlin-Jones
University of Minnesota
Ali Shourideh
New York University and University of Pennsylvania - Wharton School