COVID-19 Exemption Process

Please continue to complete all activities remotely, if possible. If not possible, use the following exemption process to request approval for in-person activities. Work with your local coordinator or the State Leadership Team to submit an Extension Work: Request for Exemption form. 

Before submitting the Extension Work: Request for Exemption form, carefully considering the following:

You may proceed with the application process once you have determined that you are the correct person to submit the Extension Work: Request for Exemption form, your request meets the requirements for exemption, and there is no other way to conduct this work. 

Screening Tool to Evaluate Appropriate Activities for Exemption

Use the following screening tool to evaluate if your activity will meet the requirements to submit an Extension Work: Request for Exemption

Maintenance of an established public gardens

Other in-person Volunteer Activities: Meetings, Garden Tours, etc

Exemption Form Process

When a Master Gardener Volunteer, program coordinator, Extension Educator or staff person would like to apply for an exemption, please first contact Jackie Froemming (if a member of a volunteer-led group) or Diane Greiwe (if a program coordinator, Extension Educator, or staff).