Guiding questions

Definitions and context

  • What distinguishes collaborative writing from team writing, cooperative writing, co-authorship, etc.?
  • How important is collaboration in your field, in majors, in classes--and on what terms?
  • What values are associated with collaboration and with productivity, authenticity, scholarship, learning?
  • What frameworks, processes, models inform collaborative writing, and in what ways are they rooted in academic disciplines?
  • How does your work as a collaborative writer shape your teaching practices?
  • How do (might) your experiences as a collaborative writer influence your teaching of collaborative writing?
  • What is writing, anyway?

Opportunities and obstacles

  • What barriers to effective collaborative writing have you experienced ?
  • How do you make writing projects "collaboration-worthy"?
  • What institutional, departmental, disciplinary factors support or impede collaborative writing?
  • How do collaborative writing projects benefit students? Faculty and instructors?
  • What opportunities can we find to engage communities in collaborative writing?

Making it work

  • How do we collaborate under conditions of differential status/experience?
  • How should writers manage their projects and working together?
  • How do the roles of expert, novice, etc. shift throughout the collaborative writing process?
  • How can writers work together to achieve consensus on making meaning? On discovery, invention, voice?
  • What processes can we develop to support diversity and inclusion, learning life lessons, better research and scholarship?
  • What habits, attitudes, skills do we need to cultivate in order to collaborate with others on writing projects?
  • When does collaboration begin and end/when does the collaborative writing process begin and end?