Field Day Participation

Field Day Participation

Schools are not generally required to support student and instructor participation at CIS on-campus student field days; however, CIS faculty coordinators may require participation at field days when field day activities support student learning in the course in ways that are not likely to be possible in individual high school classrooms. For information about courses requiring participation at student field days, please see the CIS website or the Quick Guide to Course Requirements and Related Policies.

Instructors who bring students to the campus for field days may require students to complete assignments in preparation for attending and may also require attendance at the field day. Student requirements with regard to preparation for or participation at field days should be noted on the syllabus.

Safety of Minors

The University has historically provided a safe environment for minors (persons under the age of 18) and is committed to continued vigilance. During student field days, instructors and school chaperones remain responsible for the youth brought to campus, including behavior and group management. This means that instructors and chaperones are expected to actively supervise their students during the program and while moving between buildings or across campus.

Related Policies: