Academic Grading

Grading and Transcripts

Excerpted from Administrative Policy: Grading and Transcripts: Twin Cities, Crookston, Morris, Rochester; edited for application to CIS.

A standard grading system establishes a common understanding of the meaning of grades and promotes uniformity in assigning them. Defining grades and their associated meaning (grade points and assessment of achievement) allows for comparison and for computation of the term and cumulative grade point average. 

Permanent Grades for Academic Work

The list below identifies possible permanent grades that can be given for any course for which credit is to be awarded. These grades will be entered on a student's official [University] transcript and, for an A, B, C, or D with permitted pluses and minuses, carry the indicated grade points.

These are the general University standards. In connection with all symbols of achievement instructors will define for a class, at one of its earliest meetings and as explicitly as possible, the performance that will be necessary to earn each. 

Grades by Credit


The grade of F is a permanent grade given for a course for which no credit is to be awarded. It will be entered on a student's official transcript.

Academic Grading during the COVID-19 Pandemic

2020-2021 Grading

All undergraduate students enrolled in Twin Cities courses, including CIS courses, may choose to change their grading basis from A-F to S/N (satisfactory/not satisfactory) after a final grade is posted for all Fall 2020 and Spring 2021 courses. CIS students may change their grading basis to S/N after their final grade is posted by emailing by June 15th, 2021. This applies to all CIS courses offered during the 2020-2021 academic year.

Students must include the following information: 

All F grades will be automatically converted to an N (Not Satisfactory) grade on the U of M transcript. Neither F or N grades award credit for the course, however, an N does not impact U of M GPA. This change will be applied to all U of M courses offered through CIS during the 2020-2021 academic year due to the unpredictability of the impact of COVID-19. In accordance with CIS standard grading policy, CIS will not offer the option to change grade basis to S/N that may be available to some students on-campus.

Things to note and consider:

S/N Grading Basis for U of M CIS sections that were in session during Spring 2020

During the COVID-19 outbreak of 2020, the U of M made a temporary exemption to the policy for the limits on use of S/N grades for undergraduate students. The S/N option, which is not usually permitted for students enrolled in CIS sections, was also made available to students enrolled in CIS sections during Fall 2019 Year Long, Spring 2020 Semester/Trimester 2-3, and Spring 2020 Trimester 3. Information about this policy and a form where students could request to change to the S/N grading basis, was posted to the College in the Schools Students webpage. Instructions were also emailed to all instructors, with instructions to share this information with their students.

What are S/N grades?

S/N grading basis refers to a grade of satisfactory or not satisfactory, also known as pass/fail. Administrative Policy Grading and Transcripts: Twin Cities, Crookston, Morris, Rochester provides a definition of the S/N grading basis.

Other Transcript Symbols



No Grade Reported

Other Provisions

Scholastic Dishonesty

Excerpted from Board of Regents Policy: Student Conduct Code.

Scholastic dishonesty in any portion of the academic work for a course will be grounds for awarding a grade of F for the entire course, at the discretion of the instructor. This provision allows instructors to award an F to a student when scholastic dishonesty is discovered; it does not require an instructor to do so. 

If the instructor determines that a grade of F for the course should be awarded to a student because of scholastic dishonesty, the student cannot withdraw to avoid the F. If the student withdrew from the course before the scholastic dishonesty was discovered or before the instructor concluded that there was scholastic dishonesty, and the instructor (or the appropriate hearing body if the student requests a hearing) determines that the student should receive the F, the student will be re-registered for the course and the F grade will be entered on the transcripts. 

Grade Accountability

Excerpted from Administrative Policy: Grade Accountability: Twin Cities, Crookston, Morris, Rochester.

The instructor who is in overall charge of a course offering is accountable for all grades given to students. 

FAQ: Addressing Student Academic Complaints

Excerpted from Administrative Policy: Addressing Student Academic Complaints; edited for application to CIS.

Q: I don't agree with the grade I received from my instructor. Is there anything I can do?

A: You are entitled to an explanation for the grade assigned. If you are not able to get an explanation for the grade from your instructor, consult the [CIS faculty coordinator for the course as the appropriate departmental representative]. Students also may wish to seek assistance from [Jan M. Erickson, CIS Associate Director]. An instructor’s judgment in assigning a grade is not a subject for a formal hearing, and can only be reviewed through these informal processes.