Academic Misconduct

Academic Misconduct

Excerpted from Board of Regents Policy: Academic Misconduct.

The University of Minnesota has a responsibility to foster a research environment that … discourages academic misconduct.

      1. Definition. Academic misconduct, for the purpose of this policy, shall mean the fabrication or falsification of data, research procedures, or data analysis; destruction of data for fraudulent purposes; plagiarism; abuse of confidentiality; or other fraudulent actions in proposing, performing, reviewing, or reporting the results of research or other scholarly activity. It is particularly important to distinguish academic misconduct from honest error and the ambiguities of interpretation that are inherent in the scientific and scholarly process, but are normally corrected by further research.
      2. Application. This policy and the administrative procedures implementing it shall apply to all research, scholarly, and artistic activities of all University employees and others who are involved in such activities under the aegis of the University.
      3. Commitment. The University shall deal promptly with allegations or evidence of possible academic misconduct and shall carry out this responsibility fully to resolve questions regarding the integrity of the scholarly activity.

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