Room Reservations

How to Make a Room Reservation:

Looking to cancel or change your reservation?

Email cege@umn.edu and please include the information in Step 3 above

Building Map and Hours: 

Civil Engineering Building

Technology Links:

**Prior to your meeting please verify your technology works**

Classroom Equipment User Guide

Classroom Equipment Instructions

PC Laptop Projection Instructions

Document Camera



*this space is a General Purpose Classroom, to reserve click here*

*this space is a General Purpose Classroom, to reserve click here*


Located on right side of 2nd floor lounge

Located on right side of 2nd floor lounge

Located on left side of 2nd floor lounge

Civil Engineering Building Rooms Calendar

This site is for viewing CEGE classroom and conference room calendars.

 It helps you determine what spaces are available and when and how to reserve those spaces.