Week 5

UMN Repatriation of Cultural Collections

Not only did Indigenous/Native populations have their land stolen, but they had artifacts and cultural items taken as well which are now being used as museum pieces, where white organizations can profit off of this troubling history. Read the following articles thinking critically about this situation.

This article discusses how the museum on campus is holding onto stolen artifacts from the Mimbres indigenous tribe and how the University is just beginning to return the cultural objects to the proper communities.

U Of M Repatriation Resolution (1).pdf

In at least 250 words describe the the University and its shortcomings regarding the repatriation. Write about why it's important for these cultural objects to go back to their rightful communities. 

 Your in-person option for this weeks assignment is to go to the Weisman museum on campus. Go through the museum and provide some photographic evidence you went in to see certain works.