Kirk Turrentine


My name is Kirk Turrentine, and I'm currently pursuing a B.S.E. in computer science at the University of Michigan.

I am extremely interested in cryptography, protecting personal data, human/computer interaction, and other emerging technologies such as artificial intelligence.

Previously, I worked with Dr. Violi, through UROP: the UM Undergraduate Research Oppportunity Program. The work pertained to nano particles and specifically the formation mechanisms of soot precursors in combustion environments.

My email address is: if you wish to contact me.

Current Research:

Previous Research:

"The role of molecular properties on the dimerization of aromatic compounds"

Recent results have shown the presence and importance of oxygen chemistry during the growth of aromatic compounds, leading to the formation of oxygenated structures that have been identified in various environments. Since the formation of polycyclic aromatic compounds (PAC) bridge the formation of gas-phase species with particle inception, in this work we report a detailed analysis of the effects of molecular characteristics on physical growth of PAC via dimerization. Proceeds of The Combustion Institute (2018).


2018 - Present B.S.E in Computer Science, University of Michigan

2008 A.A.S in Technical Communications, Washtenaw Community College