Meeting Schedule 2021-22

Education and Equity in a Global Society (EEGS)

2021-22 meeting schedule

Tuesdays, 12:00 – 12:50

Brownlee Room (2327) School of Education


September 14: Introduction to EEGS and to the 2021-2022 Theme

October 12: Displacement and Education, an Overview

November 9: Displacement and Education in Latin America and the Caribbean. A Venezuela Case Study

December 7: Higher Education and Displacement


January 11: The Role of Technology in Higher Education and Employability for Refugees and Displaced Populations

February 8: Proposing and Applying for International Education Project Funding

March 15: Reflecting on the Crisis in Ukraine

April 7 at 5pm: Documentary screening: Una Escuela llamada América

May 3: Working in the Field of International Education