1. When to Report

“Wrongful Conduct” means misconduct, or suspected misconduct, taken by the University or a University Community Member that is illegal under applicable federal, state, or local laws, is fraudulent, or is in violation of any of the University’s policies or procedures (e.g., Standard Practice Guides/SPGs). Wrongful Conduct includes, but is not limited to, violations of University policy and the law including academic or research misconduct, fraud, unauthorized use of the University’s property or resources, fraudulent or dishonest financial reporting, bribery, kickbacks, sexual and gender-based misconduct, or other forms of prohibited discrimination.

Prohibited Forms of Discrimination and Harassment are listed below. Further definitions and examples can be found here.

  • Sexual and Gender-Based Misconduct

  • Race, Color and National Origin Discrimination

  • Disability Discrimination

  • Age Discrimination

  • Religious Discrimination

  • Discrimination Based on Veteran Status

  • Discrimination Based on Height and Weight

  • Discrimination Based on Marital Status

  • Discrimination Based on Genetic Information

  • Retaliation

If you encounter inappropriate behavior or misconduct, or if you are unsure if you have experienced such behavior, there are resources and contacts available to you. Our goal is to help you report instances of misconduct without fear of retaliation. Continue reading section 2 "Individuals with Reporting Obligations" to find out additional information about reporting sexual or gender-based misconduct or skip to section 3 on "How to Report."