4. Resources

For Those in Crisis

Call 911 or DPSS (Division of Public Safety & Security): 734-763-1131 or text 377911

UM Psychiatric Emergency Service: (24/7) 734-936-5900 or 734-996-4747

National Suicide Prevention Lifeline: 1-800-273-8255

UM Crisis Phone & Text Line: Text 741-741 or Phone 734-996-4747

**NEW** America's Suicide Prevention & Mental Health Crisis Line: Dial 988 nationwide for call (multiple languages) or text/chat (English only)

Sexual and Gender-Based Specific Resources

​O​ur Community Matters: information on resources and options, and also answers questions students may have on issues that might otherwise form a barrier to their ability to seek services or redress. ​

Sexual and Gender-Based Misconduct Policy and Resources

Sexual Assault Prevention and Awareness Center (SAPAC)

Sexual or Gender-Based Misconduct Process Overview: Student Respondent

Sexual or Gender-Based Misconduct Process Overview: Employee Respondent

RAINN: (800-656-HOPE) National Sexual Assault Hotline, Free, Confidential, 24/7, website includes resources

Health and Wellness Resources
Mental Health & Wellness Resources: where to seek assistance based on specific concerns

CAPS: Individual and group options, online resources (Silvercloud), and virtual sessions

​C.A.R.E. Center​: Provides an individualized assessment of a student's needs and referral to relevant resources

Spectrum Center: Enhancing campus climate and support services for LGBTQ+ students, staff, and faculty

MARI: Mary A. Rackham Institute provides services for the UM community (faculty, students, staff, and families)

Wolverine Wellness: UHS wellness coaching experts who also have connections with CAPS and the UM Hospital Psychiatric Unit

MYLINC Training

Reporting Sexual and Gender-Based Misconduct at Michigan: Find out if you are an IRO