3. How to Report

For emergency situations or if a crime is in progress, call 911.
For non-emergency situations related to suspected criminal activity where you find yourself either a victim or a witness to questionable activity,
contact DPSS by phone (734) 763-1131, text 377911, or email dpss-safety-security@umich.edu

Anonymous Report

Report any concern anonymously to U-M IOE leadership. These anonymous reporting methods do not constitute the filing of a formal report. Examples of misconduct to report using this method may include negative faculty or staff interactions, discrimination, or patterns of microaggressions. U-M IOE welcomes all feedback using this method. The University may be limited in its ability to effectively address concerns reported anonymously and/or without sufficient information. 

Class evaluations are another way to share concerns about a specific course or instructor with that instructor and department leadership. This method is confidential, but not timely, so we also encourage you to report your concerns using other additional methods below.

Ways to Report Anonymously

After you create an anonymous report: The report will be reviewed by the individuals listed above, a course of action will be determined and carried out. If you would like to be contacted, leave your name and indicate you would like someone to follow up with you in the electronic form. If you choose not to leave identifying information, there will be no way for anyone from U-M IOE to follow up with you. 

Confidential Assistance

Discuss your concern with someone not required to share information. The resources below can help you talk through options, processes, and how to formally report if you are interested in that option. 

"Confidential resources are available to provide individuals with assistance, support, and additional information. Confidential Resources are prohibited from disclosing confidential information unless: (1) given permission by the person who disclosed the information; (2) there is an imminent threat of harm to self or others; (3) the conduct involves suspected abuse of a minor under the age of 18; or (4) as otherwise required or permitted by law or court order. Confidential resources may be required to report non-identifying information to DPSS for crime reporting purposes." (The University of Michigan Policy on Sexual and Gender-Based Misconduct, p.9)
For Students:

For Faculty:

For Staff:

After you speak with a confidential resource: The individual you speak with may refer or encourage you to report the experience through another channel, but it’s up to you how you proceed next. The report will remain confidential if you speak with someone on the above list. 

Formal Report

Discuss your concern non-confidentially and file a formal report.

Call: 734-763-0235

Email: ecrtoffice@umich.edu

Submit online: https://ecrt.umich.edu/file-a-report/

In-person: 2030 Administrative Services Building, 1009 Greene Street

After filing a formal report: Confirm the next steps with the office you contact.