Engaged learning - four decades
In 1980 I introduced open-ended, team-based, student-driven project as the model for design teaching and learning -- a curious novelty at the time. I see science-based design as a key element of engineering and of technology at large. Creativity and intuition are equally important elements in design learning, offered as guided experiences to the students. In my teaching, I have guided the integration of engineering, social, and behavioral sciences in several thousand individual student and team design projects. My graduate students and post-docs have always participated in our teaching activities -- whether assisting in the classroom or in one-on-one interactions with individuals and student teams.
Undergraduate courses:
ME 250: DESIGN AND MANUFACTURING I A sophomore required core course designed as the first course taken by students interested in mechanical engineering. I introduced this course in 1994 as part of the new matrix curriculum in the ME department. More recently the course has a stronger focus on introducing concepts in systems engineering design.
ME 350: DESIGN AND MANUFACTURING II Originally a classic junior machine design course, it has evolved to include CAE tools, mechatronics, manufacturing, and system rather than just component design.
ME 450: DESIGN AND MANUFACTURING III A core senior capstone course. In 1980 I introduced for the first time at Michigan the concept of formal student design teams working on open-ended projects for this course. Starting as a novelty this version of the course became a standard way of instruction.
ME 455 ANALYTICAL PRODUCT DESIGN An alternative to ME 450 introduced in 2003 to provide a more human- and socially-centered approach to design. Projects must have a user-focused design intent. Project work has a multidisciplinary perspective that includes engineering, product design, psychology, marketing, and economics.
ME 490 INDEPENDENT STUDY Independent study projects conducted within the Optimal Design Laboratory. Projects include UROP and honors students from U-M, international undergraduate students, often under the IAESTE (International Association for the Exchange of Students in Technical Education) program, and thesis work through collaborative agreements with overseas schools.
The M-Ball Game The ME 250 M-Ball championship tournament introduces students to systems thinking, developing specs, verifying and validating concepts, and teamwork in a demanding but fun semester.

Graduate Courses in Mechanical Engineering
ME 555: DESIGN OPTIMIZATION A classic course on design optimization with strong emphasis on the interaction between proper modeling and numerical computation algorithms. Students propose design term projects from various disciplines and apply course methodology to optimize designs. A number of the projects in this class have resulted in scientific publications. First introduced in 1980, it served as the foundation for the textbook Principles of Optimal Design: Modeling and Computation. More information can be found at principlesofoptimaldesign.org.
ME 599: INTERDISCIPLINARY DESIGN LABORATORY An experimental graduate course funded by NSF to study the design process using a multidisciplinary instructional team and multidisciplinary student project teams. During the period 1987-1992 I introduced and team taught the course with faculty and students from Art and Design and five Engineering Departments. This experience led to a dual degree between Mechanical Engineering and Industrial Design, the Antillium Project, and eventually the Design Science program.
ME 699: ADVANCED DESIGN OPTIMIZATION An advanced course in design optimization occasionally offered for doctoral students has included topics like duality theory, geometric programming, discrete optimization, structural optimization, and combined design and control optimization.
Graduate Courses in Design Science
DESCI 501 ANALYTICAL PRODUCT DESIGN A required first course for Design Science students conducted concurrently with ME455 and open to students from all disciplines in the university. It is designed as a baseline design experience from problem/ need/want identification through engineering, economic, and marketing analyses to prototyping, verification, and validation. A business plan for product launch is the final deliverable.
DESCI 502: DESIGN PROCESS MODELS The course offers in-depth reflection on the elements of the design process through relevant literature review and project work. Students propose and test novel analysis methods and instructional modules on design process elements. The course is open to engineering and non-engineering students. I first introduced and taught this course in Winter 2007 as a required course in Design Science.
DESCI 790/791: DESIGN SCIENCE COLLOQUIUM Various topics in Design Science are presented by invited speakers, faculty and students in this community-building course. The goal is to increase cross-disciplinary understanding and define research topics in design science. The course was first taught in 2002 as ME699/Psych 808 and part of the Antilium Project.
Doctoral Dissertations Advised
Doctoral Students in Academia
Alejandro R. Díaz, 1982. Optimization of Finite Element Grids Using Interpolation Error (J. E. Taylor co-chair). Currently, Professor of Mechanical Engineering, Michigan State University, USA.
Shapour Azarm, 1984. Local Monotonicity in Optimal Design. Currently, Professor of Mechanical Engineering, University of Maryland, USA.
Mark J. Jakiela, 1988. Intelligent Suggestive Computer Aided Design Systems. Currently, Lee Hunter Professor of Mechanical Design, Washington University at St. Louis, USA.
Han Tong Loh, 1989. A Sequential Linearization Approach for Mixed -Discrete Nonlinear Design Optimization. Currently, Deputy President, Provost, and Professor, Singapore Institute of Technology, Singapore.
Jagannatha J. R. Rao, 1989. Higher Level Modeling Formulations in Optimal Design. Currently, Associate Chair and Professor of Mechanical Engineering, University of Houston, USA.
Doek-Soo Kim, 1990. Cones on Bezier Curves and Surfaces (T.C. Woo co-chair). Currently, Professor of Industrial Engineering, Hanyang University, Korea.
Shinji Nishiwaki, 1998. Optimum Structural Topology Design Considering Flexibility (N. Kikuchi co-chair). Currently, Professor of Mechanical Engineering and Science, Kyoto University, Japan.
Julie Reyer, 2000. Combined Embodiment Design and Control Optimization: Effects of Cross-Disciplinary Coupling. Currently, Associate Dean and Professor, Bradley University, USA.
Harrison Hyung Min Kim, 2001. Target Cascading in Optimal System Design. Currently, Professor of Industrial and Enterprise Systems Engineering, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, USA.
George Delagrammatikas, 2001. A Design Optimization Methodology for Advanced and Hybrid, Diesel-Based, Automotive Powertrains (D. Assanis co-chair). Currently, Professor of Mechanical Engineering, The Cooper Union, New York, USA.
Hosam Fathy, 2003. Combined Plant and Control Optimization: Theory, Strategies, and Applications (A.G. Ulsoy co-chair). Currently, Professor of Mechanical Engineering, Penn State University, USA.
Ruchi Choudhary, 2003. A Hierarchical Optimization Framework for Simulation-Based Architectural Design (A. Malkawi, co-chair). Currently, Reader in Architectural Engineering, University of Cambridge, UK.
Matthew Parkinson, 2004. Balance Maintenance in Normal Seated Reach (D. Chaffin co-chair). Currently, Professor of Engineering Design, Penn State University, USA.
Jeremy Michalek, 2004. Preference Coordination in Engineering Design Decision-Making. Currently, Professor of Mechanical Engineering and Engineering and Public Policy, Carnegie Mellon University, USA.
Hyoung-June Park, 2004. A Quantification of Proportionality Aesthetics in Morphological Design. Architecture (A. Economou co-chair). Currently, Associate Professor of Architecture, University of Hawaii, USA.
Kuei-Yuan Chan, 2005. Monotonicity, Activity and Sequential Linearization in Probabilistic Design Optimization (S. Skerlos co-chair). Currently, Professor of Mechanical Engineering and Deputy Vice President for Academic Affairs, National Taiwan University, Taiwan.
Sulaiman Alyaqout, 2006. A Multi-System Optimization Approach to Coupling in Robust Design and Control. (A. G. Ulsoy co-chair). Currently, Associate Professor of Mechanical Engineering, University of Kuwait, Kuwait.
Andreas Malikopoulos, 2008. Real-Time, Self-Learning Identification and Stochastic Optimal Control of Advanced Powertrain Systems (D. N. Assanis co-chair). Currently, Associate Professor of Mechanical engineering, University of Delaware, USA
Erin MacDonald, 2008. The Construction of Preference in Engineering Design and Implications for Green Products (R. Gonzalez co-chair). Currently, Assistant Professor of Mechanical Engineering, Stanford University, USA.
James Allison, 2008. Optimal Partitioning and Coordination Decisions in Decomposition-based Design Optimization. Currently, Associate Professor of Industrial and Enterprise Systems Engineering, University of Illinois Urbana-Champagne, USA.
Tahira Reid, 2009. Quantifying Perception-Based Attributes in Design: A Case Study on the Perceived Environmental Friendliness of Vehicle Silhouettes (R. Gonzalez co-chair). Currently, Associate Professor of Mechanical Engineering, Purdue University, USA.
Diane Peters, 2009. Coupling and Controllability in Optimal Design and Control (A.G. Ulsoy co-chair). Currently, Associate Professor of Mechanical Engineering, Kettering University, USA
Michael Alexander-Ramos, 2011. Management of Functional Data Variables in Decomposition-based Design Optimization. Currently, Assistant Professor of Mechanical Engineering, University of Cincinnati, USA.
Steven Hoffenson, 2011. Safety Considerations in Optimal Automotive Vehicle Design. Currently, Assistant Professor of Systems and Enterprises, Stevens Institute of Technology, USA.
Max Yi Ren, 2011. Design Preference Elicitation, Identification and Estimation. Currently, Assistant Professor of Aerospace and Mechanical Engineering, Arizona State University, USA.
John Whitefoot, 2011. Optimal Co-Design of Microgrids and Plug-In Vehicles: Synergies, Simplifications and the Effects of Uncertainty. Currently, Assistant Professor of Mechanical Engineering and Materials Science, University of Pittsburg, USA.
Namwoo Kang, 2014. Multidomain Demand Modeling in Design for Market Systems (F. Feinberg co-chair). Currently, Assistant Professor of Mechanical Systems Engineering, Sookmyung Women's University, Korea.
A. Emrah Bayrak, 2015. Topology Considerations in Hybrid Electric Vehicle Powertrain Architecture Design. Currently, Assistant Professor of Systems and Enterprises, Stevens Institute of Technology, USA.
Alex Burnap, 2016. Crowdsourcing for Engineering Design: Objective Evaluations and Subjective Preferences (R. Gonzalez co-chair.) Currently, Sloan Research Fellow, Sloan Business School, MIT, USA.
Ariane Collopy, 2019. Coordination in the Design of Large-Scale and Complex Engineered Systems (E. Adar, co-chair). Currently, Postdoctoral Fellow in Design Science at the University of Colorado, Denver, USA.
Doctoral Students in Industry
Heng Long Li, 1985. Design Optimization Strategies with Global and Local Knowledge. Currently, Vice President and CFO (ret.), China Aluminum Corporation, P.R. China.
Rajiv Desai, 1988. Automatic Robot Programming for Accommodating Design Changes (R.A.Volz co-chair). Currently, CEO of 3Di Systems Corp, Brea. CA.
Robin Lo, 1991. Deterministic Global Design Optimization for Nonconvex Generalized Polynomial Problems. (Late) Senior Staff Engineer, Vehicle Systems, General Motors Corp.
Mehran Chirehdast, 1992. An Integrated Optimization Environment for Structural Configuration Design. Currently, Chief Analytics Officer, Strategic Link Consulting, Kennesaw, GA
Gary Snavely, 1992. An Abstraction-Based Methodology for Mechanical Configuration Design. Currently, Manager, Manufacturing Center, General Motors Corp.
Leonard Pomrehn, 1993. A Recursive Opportunistic Optimization Tool for Discrete Optimal Design. Currently, Process Engineer, Novo Nordisk, NC
Terrance C. Wagner, 1993. A General Decomposition Methodology for Optimal System Design. Currently, Department Manager, Engine Programs, Ford Motor Co.
Timothy W. Athan, 1994. A Quasi-Monte Carlo Method for Multicriteria Optimization. Currently, Senior Consultant at Engineering Systems Inc., ESI, MI
Roy P. Johanson, 1996. Topology Optimization of Multicomponent Structural Systems (N. Kikuchi, co-chair). Currently, CEO, Forsetti Partners, Cross Plains, WI.
Tao Jiang, 1996. Topology Optimization of Structural Systems Using Convex Approximation Methods. Currently, Supervisor, Vehicle Integration Systems, Ford Motor Co.
Ramprasad Krishnamachari, 1996. A Decomposition Synthesis Methodology for Optimal Systems Design. Currently, Technical Leader, Mobility, General Dynamics Land Systems, Troy, MI.
Sigurd Nelson, III, 1997. Optimal Design of Hierarchical Systems using Sequential Decomposition Programming. Currently, Manager, S&C Electric, Glencoe, IL
Zhifang Li, 2001. Design Optimization Techniques for Printed Antennas and Periodic Structures, (J. Volakis, co-chair). Currently, Actuarian Senior Consultant, Securian Financial Group, Minneapolis.
Michael J. Sasena, 2002. Flexibility and Efficiency Enhancements for Constrained Global Design Optimization with Kriging Approximations (P. Goovaerts co-chair). Currently, Senior Product Marketing Specialist, MathWorks, Plymouth, MI
Ryan Fellini, 2002. A Model-Based Methodology for Product Family Design. Currently, Research Staff, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, Livermore, CA.
Panayiotis Georgiopoulos, 2003. Enterprise-wide Product Design: Linking Optimal Design Decisions with the Theory of the Firm. D.Eng. Program in Manufacturing. Currently, CEO at Forthnet, Athens, Greece.www.linkedin.com/in/yanxinpan/
Elena Primikiri, 2004. Thermal Building Performance Optimization Using Spatial Archetypes. Ph.D.-Architecture (J. Turner, co-chair). Currently, Sustainability and ESG Consultant/ Sustainable Finance Expert, United Arab Emirates.
Zhijun Li, 2005. Optimal Design of Multistation Assembly Systems (M. Kokkolaras co-chair). Currently, Senior Manager, Manufacturing Engineering, NETGEAR, Santa Clara, CA.
Jarrod Kelly, 2008. Interactive Genetic Algorithms for Shape Preference Assessment in Engineering Design. Currently, Vehicle Systems Analyst Engineer at Argonne National Laboratory, Argonne National Laboratory, Chicago
Jeongwoo Han, 2008. Sequential Linear Programming Coordination Strategy for Deterministic and Probabilistic Analytical Target Cascading. Currently, Senior LCA Expert, Amazon Inc., Seattle, WA.
Bart Frischknecht, 2009. A Study of Public and Private Tradeoffs in Optimal Vehicle Design Using a Market Systems Approach. Currently, CEO & Co-founder, Cobomba, Granger, Indiana.
Taemin Earmme, 2009. Evolutionary Structural Optimization with Multiple Performance Constraints by Large admissible Perturbations ( M. Bernitsas Co-chair). Currently, Principal Engineer, Semiconductor R&D, Samsung, S. Korea
Soodeh "Sou" Montazeri, 2013. Design for Behavior Change: The Role of Product Visual Aesthetics in Promoting Sustainable Behavior (with Richard Gonzalez) Currently, Senior Design Researcher at Microsoft, Seattle, Wash.
Anna-Maria McGowan, 2014. Interdisciplinary Interactions During R&D and Early Design of Large Engineered Systems (W. Baker, co-chair). Currently, NASA Senior Technical (ST), Agency Senior Engineer for Complex Systems Design, Langley VA
Kwang Jae Lee, 2014. Optimal System Design with Geometric Considerations. Currently, Current: Senior Engineer at Software Center CTO, Samsung Electronics, S. Korea.
Yanxin Pan, 2018. Preference Modeling in Data-Driven ProductDesign: Application in Visual Aesthetics. (R. Gonzalez co-chair). Currently, Senior Data Scientist, Walmart Labs Sunnyvale, USA.
Melissa Greene, 2019. Systems Design Thinking: Identification and Measurement of Attitudes for Systems Engineering, Systems Thinking, and Design Thinking (R. Gonzalez, co-chair). Currently, Research and Strategy Consultant, https://www.melissatgreene.com.
Masters Theses/Projects (Select)
Nick Tzannetakis, 1985. Active Set Strategies in Sequential Linearization Algorithms for Nonlinear design Optimization. Currently, Vice President, Siemens Digital Industries Software, Portland, Oregon.
Roy P. Johanson, 1989. A Knowledge-Based Convex Approximation Algorithm. Also, doctoral graduate. Currently, CEO, Forsetti Partners, Cross Plains, WI.
Ann Marsan, 1994. Construction of a Surface Model From 3D Homogenization Output (D. Dutta, co-chair). Currently, Senior Software Architect at CareEvolution, Ann Arbor, Michigan.
Hae Chang Gea, 1992-93. Structural Design and Topology Optimization. Currently, Professor of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, Rutgers University, NJ.
Christopher Scheffer, 1997. An Object-Oriented Framework for Optimal Systems Design. Currently, Technical Product Manager at Siemens PLM Software, Milford, Ohio
Nnaemeka Nwosu, 1998. Object-Oriented Optimization Using Convex Approximations. Currently, Finance Transformation Technology Lead Director Technology at Fannie Mae, Silver Spring, Maryland
Ryan Fellini, 1998. Derivative-Free and Global Search Optimization Algorithms in an Object-Oriented Design Framework. Also, doctoral graduate. Also, doctoral graduate. Currently, Research Staff, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, Livermore, CA.
Michael Sasena, 1998. Optimization of Computer Simulations via Smoothing Splines and Kriging Metamodels. Also doctoral graduate. Senior Product Marketing Specialist at The MathWorks, Plymouth, Michigan
Jeremy Michalek, 2001. Interactive Layout Design Optimization. Also doctoral graduate. Professor at Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
John Whitehead, 2001. Design and Performance of Derivative-Free Optimization Algorithms Used with Hybrid Electric Vehicle Simulations. Also doctoral graduate. Currently, Assistant Professor of Mechanical Engineering and Materials Science, University of Pittsburg, USA.
Alexis Perez-Duarte , 2002. Optimal design of Product Families; Commonality vs. Performance. Product developpment team manager at Safran Massy, Île-de-France, France
Adam Cooper, 2003. An Enterprise Decision Model for Optimal Vehicle Design Valuation. Currently, Senior Vice President of Marketing, The Wonderful Company, Los Angeles, CA
Zhijun Li, 2003. The Effects of Manufacturing Process on Powertrain Design Decisions. Also doctoral graduate. Currently, Senior Manager, Manufacturing Engineering, NETGEAR, Santa Clara, CA.
Lara Sherefkin, 2003. Analytical Craftsmanship: Evaluation and analysis of consumer Perceptions. M.S. thesis, Mechanical Engineering. Currently, Technical Advisor, Power Cylinder Development, Cimungs Engines, Columbus, Indiana.
Ilkin Hossoy, 2003. Modeling of Craftsmanship Perceptions in Vehicle Interior Design Using Tools from Engineering and Psychology. Currently, Manager - Office of Executive Management at Robert Bosch LLC, Chassis Systems Control, Plymouth, MI
Eric Rask, 2004. Estimating and Using the Attainable Set of Attribute Values for Discrete Choice Consumer Preference Modeling. Currently, EV Powertrain Systems Engineer at Illinois Tool Works (ITW), Chicago, IL.
James Allison, 2004. Complex System Optimization: A Review of Analytical Target Cascading, Collaborative Optimization, and Other Formulations. Also doctoral graduate. Currently, Associate Professor of Industrial and Enterprise Systems Engineering, University of Illinois Urbana-Champagne.
Jeongwoo Han, 2005. Optimal design of hybrid and non-hybrid fuel cell vehicles. Also doctoral graduate. Currently, Senior LCA Expert, Amazon Inc., Seattle, WA.
Aakash Patel, 2005. Consumer Product Interfaces Design Guidelines. Currently, Executive Director, Business Banking Data Science at JPMorgan Chase & Co., New York
Marc Zawislak, 2005-06. Analytical Target Cascading and Collaborative Optimization for Complex System Design. Currently, Engineering manager, Boeing Co, Seattle, WA.
Bart Frischknecht, 2006. Representations and Methods for Enabling Design Variety. Also doctoral graduate. Currently, CEO & Co-founder, Cobomba, Granger, Indiana.
Aditya Rajderkar, 2006. Product Design Optimization. Currently, Senior Engineering Manager at Navistar Inc., Chicago
Harshit Sarin, 2007. Error Assessment of Response Time Histories. (M. Kokkolaras, co-chair). Currently, Design Control Manager, Stoneridge Electronics, Dundee, UK.
Michael J. Alexander, 2008. Analytical Target Cascading Optimization of an Electric Vehicle Powertrain System. Also doctoral graduate. Currently, Assistant Professor of Mechanical Engineering, University of Cincinnati, USA.
Yi 'Max' Ren, 2009. An interactive Modeling Environment for Automotive Exterior Design. Also doctoral graduate. Currently, Assistant Professor of Aerospace and Mechanical Engineering, Arizona State University, USA.
Deokkyun Yoon, 2007-09. Engineering Simulation Models for Conventional and Hybrid Vehicle Performance and Enterprise-wide Optimization. Currently, Hardware Development Engineer at Apple, Cupertino, California
William Pratt, 2015. Feasibility Assessment of an Adaptive Modular Fleet Design. Currently, Design Integrator, Advanced Engine Programs at Pratt & Whitney, West Hartford, Connecticut
Jong Min Park, 2016. System-of-Systems Feasibility and Optimization of Modular Vehicle Fleets. Currently, Tescom Silicon Valley Center, Santa Clara, CA
Vignesh Bhaskaran, 2017-19. (i) Modular Drone Architecture Prototypes. (ii) Modular Design Instructional Modules.
Charlie Turnley, 2017. The Design of a Repository of Design Information: A Service for Design Educators. Currently, Program Manager at Nielsen, Chicago, IL.
Tianyi Liu, 2017-18. Coordination in Design Teams and Team Roles Identification. Currently, Software Engineer, Amazon, San Francisco, CA
Sanjana Rajagopalan, 2018. Assessment of cognitive skills and attitudes for systems engineering and design. Currently, Senior UX Researcher, Walmart Global Tech, Bentonville, Arkansas
Thomas Barlow, 2019-20. Design for Sustainable Development: System Modeling and Optimization for Integrated Natural Conservation and Development Projects.
Gerardo Guerra Santana, 2019. Imagos Building Block System and Education Instructional Design Workshop. Currently, Design and Psychology Consultant, Toronto, Ontario
David Santos Llave, 2019-20. Training Program on Design Skills for Professional Women in Peru. Currently, Head of Innovation, Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, Lima, Peru.
Zichen Wang, 2019-20. Design Thinking Stypes and Assessment Instrument. Currently, Product Designer at Apple, China
Mandappa (Mandy) Biddanda, 2020-21. Design for Sustainable Development: System Modeling and Optimization for Integrated Natural Conservation and Development Projects.
Samarth Mendke, 2020-21. Design for Sustainable Development: System Modeling and Optimization for Integrated Natural Conservation and Development Projects.
Bonnie Jiang, 2020-21. (i) Systems Design Thinking Assessment. (ii) Power Differentials in Co-Design.
Post-Doctoral Research Fellows,* Research Scientists,** and Visiting Research Collaborators
* Zissimos Mourelatos (PhD Naval Architecture, UM), 1986. Currently, Professor of mechanical engineering, Oakland University, MI.
* Nikiforos Papadakis (PhD Naval Architecture, UM), 1988-89. Currently at Anangel Maritime Services Inc., Athens, Greece
* Michael Bremicker (PhD Univ. of Siegen, Germany), 1988-89. Currently, Management Consultant - Selbsständig, Munich, Germany.
** Nestor Michelena (PhD UC-Berkeley), 1993-2002. (Late) Associate Research Scientist, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor.
Freerk Lootsma, TU Delft, UM Netherlands Chair, 1997-98. (Late) Professor and Chair, Dept. of Informatics, Delft Institute of Technology, Netherlands.
Kazuhiro Aoyama, Univ. of Tokyo, Japan, 1998-99. Currently, Professor of Systems Innovation, University of Tokyo, Japan.
Ricardo Forcano, Universidad de Zaragoza, Spain, 1999. Currently, Global Head of Engineering & Organization, BVVA Bank, Bilbao, Spain.
Uri Kirsch, Technion, Israel, 1999-2000. Currently, Professor Emeritus, Civil and Environmental Engineering, Technion, Israel.
Thomas Lesueur, ESTACA Ecole D’ Ingenieurs Superieure, 2000. Currently, Head of System Engineering, Altran, Vélizy, France
* Christian Zillober (PhD Univ. of Bayreuth), Germany, 2000. Currently, Lecturer, Dept. of Mathematics, Univ. of Würzburg, Germany.
*Oleana Sinkevich (PhD Rice University), 2000-02. Currently, Consultant, Montreal, Canada.
** Michael Kokkolaras (PhD Rice University), 2000-2012. Currently, Associate Professor of Mechanical Engineering, McGill University, Montreal, Canada.
Pascal Etman, TU Eindhoven, Netherlands, 2001. Currently, Associate Professor of Mechanical Engineering, Eindhoven University of Technology.
Masataka Yoshimura, Kyoto University, Japan, 2001. Currently, Professor Emeritus of Mechanical Engineering and Science, Kyoto University, Japan.
*Tobias Larsson, Luleå Univ. of Technology, 2001. Currently, Professor of Mechanical Engineering, Blekinge Institute of Technology, Sweden.
Xue Liang, Tianjin University, China, 2001-2002. Currently, Professor of Architecture, Tianjin University, China.
Jean-Francois Petiot, Ecóle Centrale de Nantes, France, 2002. Currently, Professor at Ecole Centrale de Nantes, France.
*Krister Sutinen, Chalmers TU, Sweden, 2002. Currently, Senior Business Consultant, Siemens PLM Software, Gothenburg, Sweden.
Nikos Tzevelekos, National Tech. Univ. of Athens, 2002. Currently, Senior Lecturer, Elect. Eng. and Computer Science, Queen Mary University, London, UK.
Alice Jakobsen, Aalborg University, Denmark, 2003. Currently, Lektor, AarhusTech, Aarhus, Denmark.
Cecil Salvo, Ecóle Centrale de Nantes, France, 2003
Alexándre Virte, Ecóle Centrale de Nantes, France, 2004. Currently, Socle CRM, Groupe La Poste, Montpellier, France.
Hans Buus, Aalborg University, 2004. Currently, Project Director, R&D A/S - Mechanical Engineering, Jutland, Denmark.
Arni Einarsson, Aalborg University, 2004. Currently, Maintenance Specialist, Alcoa, Iceland.
Lars Rude, Aalborg University, 2004. Currently, Senior Technical Manager, National Oilwell Varco, Jutland, Denmark.
Dietrich Hartmann, Ruhr-Universitaet Bochum, Genrany, 2004. Currently, Professor Emeritus, RU-Bochum, Dortmund, Germany.
*Simon Tosserams, TU Eindhoven, Netherlands, 2005. Currently, Portfolio Manager, Canon Production Printing, Arnhem-Nijmegen, Netherlands.
David Walsh, University of Glasgow, UK, 2005. Currently, Product Leader, Howden, Glasgow, UK.
Martin Backsell, University of Linköping, Sweden, 2006
** Subroto Gunawan (PhD University of Maryland), 2004-06. Currently, Project Development Engineer, Ameresco, Dallas, Texas.
Pierre Maheut, Ecóle Centrale de Nantes, France, 2006. Currently, Head of Special Project, 3D & Immersive, Adobe, Lyon, France.
Guido Karsemakers, TU Eindhoven, 2007. Currently, Integration Manager, Vanderlande, Helmond, Netherlands.
Emanuele Colomba, Poli. di Milano, Italy, 2007. Currently, Vehicle Modeling Engineer, Pirelli, Monza e Brianza, Italy.
Petar Jercik, University of Split, Croatia, 2008. Currently, Healthcare Researcher, Serious Games Architect, Jamzone, Leeuwarden, Netherlands
Norio Takeda, Hitachi Ltd,, Tokyo, Japan, 2007-08. Currently, Principal Researcher, Hitachi R&D, Tokyo, Japan.
*Paolo Guarneri, Poli. di Milano, Italy, 2008.
*Shanna Daly (PhD Purdue), 2008-09. Currently, Associate professor of Mechanical Engineering, Univ. of Michigan, Ann Arbor.
Ludovic Barre, Ecole Centrale Nantes, France, 2011. Currently, Senior Associate at Alvarez & Marsal, London, UK
Lee Legis, ETH Zürich, Swizerland, 2011-12
*Abigail Mechtenberg (PhD U-M), 2010-11. Currently, Asst. Professor, Dept of Physics, Univ of Notre Dame, Indiana.
*Dongsuk Kum (PhD UM), 2011-12. Currently, associate professor, Cho Chun Sik Graduate School for Green Transportation, KAIST, Korea.
** Kukhyun Ahn (PhD Seoul National University, Korea), 2007-12. Currently, Electrification Research Engineer, Ford Motor Co. Michigan
Anu Martikainen, Tampere TU, Finland, 2012-13
Ioannnis Papazoglou, TU Cyprus, 2012-13
*Yu-Ting Chiu (PhD National Cheng Kung University), 2012-13. Currently, Principal R&D Engineer, TSMC, Hsinchu, Taiwan
Naoaki Saeki, Nagoya University, 2013-14.
Konstantinos Stylidis, Chalmers Univ. of Tech., 2015. Currently, Postdoctoral Researcher, Industrial and Materials Science, Chalmers, Gothenburg, Sweden
Mateusz Jachym, Rzeszow TU, Poland, 2016-17. Design Engineer, BorgWarner, Aahen, Germany.
Christian Gärtner, TU Braunschweig, 2017. Currently, Systems Engineer, Roche Diagnostics Europe, Stuttgart, Germany.
Torben Beernaert, Eindhoven University of Technology, 2017. Currently, Systems Engineer, ITER Organization, Eindhoven, Netherlands.
Nökkvi Sigudardson, TU Denmark and Novo Nordisk, 2019. Currently, Industrial Ph.D. student, Novo Nordisk and DTU, Copenhagen, Denmark.