
Selected publications by subject

Computational and Dynamical Modeling

Stacey, W.C., and Durand, D.M. Noise and Coupling Affect Signal Detection and Bursting in a Simulated Physiological Neural Network. J. Neurophysiol. 88: 2598-2611, 2002.

Stacey, W.C., Lazarewicz, M., and Litt, B. Synaptic Noise and Basket Cells produce Epileptiform Oscillations in a Hippocampal Computer Model. J. Neurophysiol. 102: 2342-2357, 2009.

Fink, C.G., Gliske, S., Catoni, N., and Stacey, W.C. Network Mechanisms Generating Abnormal and Normal Hippocampal High-Frequency Oscillations: A Computational Analysis. Eneuro. 2015;2(3).

Gliske SV*, Stacey WC*, Lim E, Holman KA, Fink CG. Emergence of Narrowband High Frequency Oscillations from Asynchronous, Uncoupled Neural Firing. Int J Neural Syst. 2017:1650049.

Saggio ML, Crisp D, Scott JM, Karoly P, Kuhlmann L, Nakatani M, Murai T, Dumpelmann M, Schulze-Bonhage A, Ikeda A, Cook M, Gliske SV, Lin J, Bernard C, Jirsa V, Stacey WC. A taxonomy of seizure dynamotypes. Elife. 2020;9.

In vitro Electrophysiology

Stacey, WC, and Durand, D.M. Stochastic Resonance Improves Signal Detection in Hippocampal CA1 Neurons. J. Neurophysiol. 83: 1394-1402, 2000.

Bikson, M., Lian, J., Hahn, P.J., Stacey, WC, Sciortino, C., and Durand, D.M. Suppression of Epileptiform Activity by High Frequency Sinusoidal Fields in Rat Hippocampal Slices. J. Physiol. 531(Part 1): 181-191, 2001.

Stacey, WC, and Durand, D.M. Synaptic Noise Improves Detection of Subthreshold Signals in Hippocampal CA1 Neurons. J. Neurophysiol. 86: 1104-1112, 2001.

Highlighted in: Lopez, J.C. “Noises On” Nature Reviews Neuroscience. 2: 756, 2001.

Lian, J., Bikson, M., Sciortino, C., Stacey, WC, and Durand, D.M. Local Suppression of Epileptiform Activity by Electrical Stimulation in Rat Hippocampus in vitro. J. Physiol. 547 (part 2): 427-434, 2003.

Luna-Munguia H, Starski P, Chen W, Gliske SV, Stacey WC. Control of in vivo ictogenesis via endogenous synaptic pathways. Sci Reports. 2017.7(1):1311.

Crisp DN, Cheung W, Gliske SV, Lai A, Freestone DR, Grayden DB, Cook MJ, Stacey WC. Quantifying epileptogenesis in rats with spontaneous and responsive brain state dynamics. Brain Commun. 2020;2(1):fcaa048.

Human Epilepsy

Stacey, W.C., and Litt, B. Technology Insight: neuroengineering and epilepsy—designing devices for seizure control. Nat Clin Prac Neurol. 4:190-201, 2008. (Review)

Stacey, W.C., Le Van Quyen, M., Mormann, F., and Schulze-Bonhage, A. What is the present-day EEG evidence for a preictal state? Epilepsy Research 97: 243-251, 2011.

Jirsa, V., Stacey, W.C., Quilichini, P. P., Ivanov, A. I., and Bernard, C.. On the Nature of Seizure Dynamics Brain 137:2210-30, 2014.

Jiruska P, Alvarado-Rojas C, Schevon CA, Staba R, Stacey W, Wendling F, Avoli M. Update on the mechanisms and roles of high-frequency oscillations in seizures and epileptic disorders. Epilepsia. 2017;58(8):1330-9.

Gliske SV, Irwin ZT, Chestek C, Hegeman GL, Brinkmann B, Sagher O, Garton HJL, Worrell GA, Stacey WC. Variability in the location of high frequency oscillations during prolonged intracranial EEG recordings. Nat Commun. 2018;9(1):2155.

Scott JM, Ren S, Gliske SV, Stacey WC. Preictal variability of high-frequency oscillation rates in refractory epilepsy. Epilepsia. 2020. Epub 2020/09/19

Translational engineering: Big data mining, electrodes, technology

Blanco, J.A., Stead, M., Krieger, A., Stacey, W., Maus, D., Marsh, E., Viventi, J., Lee, K.H., Marsh, R., Litt, B., and Worrell, G.A. Data mining neocortical high-frequency oscillations in epilepsy and controls. Brain 134: 2948-2959, 2011.

Stacey, W. C., Kellis, S., Greger, B., Butson, C.R., Patel, P.R., Assaf, T., Mihaylova, T., and Glynn, S. Potential for unreliable interpretation of EEG recorded with microelectrodes. Epilepsia. 54(8): 1391-401, 2013.

Pearce, A., Wulsin, D., Blanco, J.A., Krieger, A., Litt, B., and Stacey, W.C. Temporal changes of neocortical high frequency oscillations in epilepsy. J. Neurophysiol. 110(5): 1167-1179, 2013.

Gliske, S.V., Irwin, Z.T., Davis, K.A., Sahaya, K., Chestek, C., and Stacey, W.C. Universal automated high frequency oscillation detector for real-time, long term EEG. Clinical Neurophys. 2015. 10.1016/j.clinph.2015.07.016.

Davis KA, Devries SP, Krieger A, Mihaylova T, Minecan D, Litt B, Wagenaar JB, Stacey WC. The effect of increased intracranial EEG sampling rates in clinical practice. Clin Neurophysiol. 2017;129(2):360-7.

Luna-Munguia H, Zestos AG, Gliske SV, Kennedy RT, Stacey WC. Chemical biomarkers of epileptogenesis and ictogenesis in experimental epilepsy. Neurobiol Dis. 2019;121:177-86.