
Hi everyone!

My name is Whitney Raska, and I, along with the rest of the team of "Detroit Area Vaccine Hunters" put together a list of COVID vaccine clinics and resources to help everyone find appointments! Please understand that I am just a volunteer who is gathering information as quickly and accurately as I can. I will do my best to update this site as quickly as I can, but I am a research fellow who is simultaneously working another job to help vaccinate, so bare with me.

Here is my advice:

  • Sign-up for waitlists wherever you are eligible. This includes Ford Field, hospital systems, Meijer, etc.

  • If you're able, make getting vaccinated a priority and be flexible with appointments. You may not be able to secure the exact location and time and that's okay.

  • Take whichever vaccine you're offered first. The CDC does not recommend one vaccine over the other. If you want more info, check out the FAQ's page or the CDC's website.

  • Check the "Michigan COVID Vaccine Spotter" site (linked below) for real-time appointment availability at major, retail pharmacy chains.

I do ask a couple of things,

  1. Please double-check all information with the primary source itself prior to booking an appointment. I will continue to do my best, but with constantly changing availability and eligibility at individual clinics, it's tough. If I have any information incredibly wrong, please email me at wraska@umich.edu and I'll do my best to fix it ASAP.

  2. Please also reach out to those who struggle to use computers or don't have ample access to one, as that is the primary way to secure an appointment. As someone who preaches health equity, I have felt a lot of guilt primarily utilizing Facebook and the internet as means to communicate vaccine information, clinics, and available appointments knowing that the majority of those I am reaching don't face healthcare disparities daily. I have this constant internal debate wondering if reaching herd immunity faster is more beneficial than taking the time to target populations and communities that need this vaccine the most, knowing it will take longer. But with COVID rates rapidly rising in Michigan, it is imperative that we get everyone vaccinated as soon as possible, for that, in turn, will help all populations.

  3. Finally, if you have exhausted all resources or someone you know has attempted to secure themselves an appointment, and are still struggling, please fill out the "Vaccine Angels Help Form" (linked below) and our team of volunteers will assist you!

The more we work together, the faster we'll eradicate this virus. In fact, it is the only way we will.

