
Below read about some of my current research efforts and exciting work done by students and postdocs!

Enabling Landslide Disaster Risk Reduction and Response throughout the disaster life cycle with a multi-scale toolbox

Supported by NASA's Applied Science Disasters Program

In 2017, Hurricane Maria devastated islands throughout the Caribbean, in particular, much of Puerto Rico and Dominica, causing thousands of landslides that damaged infrastructure and blocked key road networks needed to provide aid and supplies to more remote communities. Also in 2017, the Mocoa landslide in Colombia, triggered by local heavy rains, resulted in 329 fatalities. The 2016 Mw7.8 Kaikoura, New Zealand earthquake triggered widespread landsliding and resulted in key roads being blocked for over a year with significant impact to the local economy from loss of tourism (Figure 1). The key decision making needs articulated directly from local stakeholders to response agencies and the scientific community were essentially the same: Where are the landslides? What are the impacts (exposure and risk)? What might we expect after the triggering event (e.g. cascading hazards and risk)? How can we build resilience to these hazards in support of disaster risk reduction?

This project supports key decision-making and resilience-building capabilities at a range of spatial and temporal scales that are directly relevant to our stakeholder decision making and response needs. Specifically, the proposed work supports both real-time situational awareness of potential landslide activity and impacts at a global scale and scenario-based regional assessment of cascading landslide hazards resulting from extreme weather and earthquakes. This work aligns with key knowledge gaps within the decision support structures of our stakeholder communities.

Coupling erosion, weathering, & hydrological function in an active orogenic system

Supported by NSF Frontier Research in Earth Science (FRES)

The collisional boundaries between Earth’s tectonic plates produce dramatic mountain ranges that generate destructive natural hazards as well as chemical and physical exchanges that control the surface

environment. Major mountain belts alter local and regional climate, act as “water towers” supplying freshwater to much of the world’s population, and are hotspots of erosion and CO2-consuming

weathering reactions. Major questions remain to be answered about these processes and the links between them, and thus about the role of active orogens in the Earth’s surface system. This proposal is for a multi-

disciplinary investigation framed around understanding four outstanding problems: (1) how rock is transformed physically and chemically during exhumation in tectonically active mountains, (2) how the steep mountainous topography of active orogens develops, and particularly what the role is for landslides, (3) how water makes its way from precipitation, through the subsurface, and into streams and rivers

draining active orogens, and (4) how chemical weathering depends on tectonic and climatic conditions in these settings.

Landslides related to the 2015 Mw 7.8 Gorkha earthquake, from ground motion and hazard to geomorphic response

Supported by NSF’s Geomorphology and Land Use Dynamics Program

Landslides triggered by large earthquakes pose both immediate and prolonged hazards at the same time that present, however, opportunities to understand how seismicity contributes to erosion and associated landscape evolution. The Mw 7.8 earthquake that occurred in April 2015 in central Nepal offers a particular opportunity to understand seismically-triggered landslides and their effects over a range of timescales. Gradients in landslide occurrence across a well-characterized portion of central Nepal have allowed us to frame questions and hypotheses of wide interest to the geosciences. One major goal of the project is better constrain strong ground motions from this poorly-instrumented event. Here we aim to integrate landslide distributions with a novel method to estimate seismic strong ground motions from specific types of failures in alluvial terraces. A second key goal of the project is to evaluate variability in rock strength in a tectonically active orogen, and specifically, to understand the interplay between physical and chemical weathering processes in the evolution of rock strength at hillslope scales. We know that rock strength decreases over orders of magnitude from intact, unweathered rock to transportable soil. However, we lack generalized models of rock weakening on which regionally-based landscape evolution processes can be based. In this project, we aim to capitalize on the large forcing event provided by the earthquake, which instantaneously produced tens of thousands of slope failure examples that illuminate rock properties. Targeted field studies complement our regional interpretations of these failures

The broad research questions posed by this project address when, why and how landslides occur; the nature of seismic energy release during major earthquakes on continental thrust faults; and how chemical weathering and physical denudation are related. This project also includes scientific results that will be of societal significance as outcomes will improve both our understanding of seismic ground shaking in poorly instrumented, high relief terrain, and our capacity to predict landsliding caused by earthquakes, as well as “follow-on” hazards such as debris flows. This research supports, fully or partially, several PhD students, several undergraduate student researchers, and three faculty members, and it fosters domestic and international collaboration with partners at the USGS, in Nepal and in Europe. In addition, novel curriculum development will include a virtual reality landslide field trip developed with video footage collected during fieldwork.

Co-seismic landslide susceptibility of clastic sedimentary rocks

Supported by USGS, National Earthquake Hazards Reduction Program (NEHRP)

The geomechanical properties of geologically young, clastic sedimentary rocks are highly sensitive to burial histories up to 5 km because of the physical changes to porosity and cementation that accompany compaction and diagenetic changes to the rock mass. Because young sedimentary rocks are a common rock type in active tectonic environments, a generalized model that incorporates burial history into estimates for rock strength will significantly advance co-seismic landslide hazard models. We propose a multi-scale investigation of a stratigraphic sequence in southern California on which a generalized model can be proposed. These results will be applied to scenario predictions for cosesimic landsliding based on strong ground motion for active faults in southern California, thereby addressing the NEHRP priorities by reducing co-seismic landslide losses.

Read below about some newly emerging work and some recently completed projects

Post-wildfire changes to hillslope hydrology and stability - NEW!

As our international field research efforts have been grounded for the past 18 months, my group has turned attention to California with emerging research on the impacts of wildfire on hillslope processes. Wildfires have profound effects on the landscape because they alter how water enters and moves through shallow subsurface for months to years. These effects influence water supply quality and increase hazards such as flooding, debris flows and shallow landslides. While increased surface runoff has been well documented in these settings, the changes to groundwater storage has received less attention and may significantly impact water quality and shallow landsliding hazard. Our group has targeted two sites that burned during the record 2020 fire season in California: the 2020 Bobcat fire near LA and the 2020 CZU complex near Santa Cruz. We are using shallow geophysical tools (resistivity and seismic) to monitor the subsurface combined with work by our collaborators at USC (Josh West - isotopic tracers) and UC Berkeley (Dimitrios Zekkos - geotechnical engineering and ground surface monitoring with UAVs).

Check out our abstract/presentation at 2021 AGU Fall Meeting!


Supported by USGS, National Earthquake Hazards Reduction Program (NEHRP) : Completed

Landslides represent one of the most significant hazards during and in the immediate aftermath of an earthquake. Their occurrence can be dramatic, displacing more than several km3 of material from hillslopes and affecting regions over tens of thousands of km2 (Keefer, 1994). Local topographic gradient, the intensity of strong ground motion and the strength of the underlying material determine the extent of landsliding during an earthquake (Newmark, 1965). Although, landslide events associated with large earthquakes (Mw 7-8) in steep terrain can have dramatic consequences, producing many tens of thousands of landslides, moderate earthquakes (Mw 6) are also known to produce widespread landsliding and contribute significantly to the seismic risk. This proposal directly addresses the NEHRP priority topic of characterizing related ground deformation, specifically, “improving predictive models of earthquake-triggered ground failures and to quantify ground failure susceptibility for hazard assessment”. This one-year project was focused on developing a state-of-the-art inventory and landslide volume database using UAV photogrammetry and satellite-based mapping and DSM generation. The study focuses on a well-characterized moderate earthquake in western Greece for which slope-stability models can be inverted for estimating geotechnical properties of the near-surface soil-rock profile. Our ability to estimate geotechnical properties at a regional scale is currently a major limitation to advancement of landslide hazard models for earthquakes, and for understanding landslide susceptibility more broadly defined.

Determining hillslope-scale material strength from seismically triggered landslide events

Supported by NSF’s Geomorphology and Land Use Dynamics : Completed

Natural hillslope strength, relevant for landscape evolution and hazard assessment, falls far short of laboratory measurements of rock strength on hand-sized samples. This limitation stems from the fact that laboratory shear tests are performed on intact rock, yet it is fracture density, aperture and size that set the limit on hillslope-scale rock strength. Opportunity to quantify the strength of hillslopes lies within large seismic events in high relief settings, where an earthquake imparts a measurable forcing (strong ground motion) and a quantifiable landscape response (landsliding). Using an infinite-slope stability model developed by the hazard community, we assess shear-strength properties for the 1994 M6.7 Northridge earthquake. Here, we hypothesize that tectonic deformation causes a strength reduction of hillslopes that can be isolated from lithologic and climatic factors and is quantifiable with our inversion method. This work will integrate modeling and fieldwork to test our hypothesis and the results will improve our understanding of tectonic processes as a governor of rock weakening. Secondary losses from seismically-induced landslides have been responsible for a large portion of the fatalities in recent earthquakes in areas of high relief, and globally represent the most significant secondary hazard related to earthquakes. Site-specific characteristics related to tectonic fracturing that we will quantify in this proposal will benefit hazard modeling via in-kind collaboration with the USGS Geologic Hazards Science Center.

RAPID Collaborative research: Topographic change and cascading hazards following the November 13th Mw7.8 Kaikoura (New Zealand) earthquake

Supported by NSF Geomorphology and Land Use Dynamics (GLD), Tectonics and Civil, Mechanical and Manufacturing Innovation (CMMI): Completed

A 4D time-series of evolving topography is critical for understanding faulting and landslide processes, and the linkages between the two. We currently lack data at an event scale for such processes because of the prohibitive cost of repeat land and airborne surveys, and the unpredictability of the location of future events. Recent advances in high performance computing coupled with stereo-satellite imagery collection provide the opportunity to provide such a time-series quickly and relatively inexpensively. The November 13th 2016 Kaikoura, New Zealand, event represents the first opportunity to execute such efforts because a large area of New Zealand was collected using satellite stereo imagery following the 2011 Christchurch earthquakes. An initial estimate suggests about 100,000 landslides and surface rupture on at least six separate faults (GNS, 2016). Obtaining field data on the distribution and failure mechanisms of landslides is a vital component of the scientific and humanitarian response in the coming weeks.

This project will demonstrate the ability to generate high-resolution DEM products that can become immediately available to the scientific community and contribute to the understanding of landslide hazards after major earthquakes involving complex, multi-fault source mechanisms. Findings will be readily exportable to the scientific response of other earthquakes at other plate boundary settings.