Marin K. Clark

Marin K. Clark

Professor and Department Chair

Ph.D. M.I.T. 2003

I am looking for new students and postdocs to join my group!

Opportunities for both field research and computing - if you are interested, please send me an email and check out these postings.

Research Interests

Currently, I am focused on the intersection of surface processes and societally relevant changes to natural landscapes. Motivated by the importance of steep landscapes in the Earth system and their key role as loci of natural hazards, I am deeply interested in leveraging natural hazards research to advance understanding geomorphic processes and to serve societal needs across multiple scales and disciplines. This research aim is a part of a larger vision that connects plate tectonics and erosion systems. I use a variety of approaches including field geology, thermochronometry, structural geology, remote sensing and modeling.

Fields of Study

Geomorphology, geodynamics, tectonics, and thermochronology, natural hazards, landslides

Mailing Address

Earth & Environmental Sciences

University of Michigan

2534 C. C. Little Building

1100 N. University Ave.

Ann Arbor, MI 48109-1005

Physical Address

Office - 1020 C. C. Little Building

Lab - 1026 C. C. Little Building


734.615.0484 (office)

734.763.4690 (fax)