
  • Medwedeff, W., Clark, M., Zekkos, D., West, A. J., Chamlagain, D., Geotechnical observations of weathered rock across a tectonic and climatic gradient in Central Nepal. Journal of geophysical Research: Earth Surface, in review.

  • Stanley, T., Kirschbaum, D. B., Benz, G., Emberson, R. A., Amatya, P. M., Medwedeff, W., Clark, M. K., 2021, Data-driven nowcasting at the global scale. Frontiers in Earth science, Geohazards and Georisks, 9:640043, doi: 10.3389/feart.2021.640043.

  • Pradel, D., Lobbestael, A., Athanasopoulos-Zekkos, A., Brooks, C., Champagne, C., Clark, M., Dobson, R., Edmonds, D., Esser, A., Gong, W., Hille, M., Manousakis, J., Marion, N., Martin, H., Midttun, N., Niemi, N., Oommen, T., Townsend, K., Yanites, B., Zekkos, D., 2021, Edenville and Sanford Dam Failures: Field Reconnaissance Report, American Society of Civil Engineers Geotechnical Special Publications, v. 327, doi: 10.1061/9780784415764.

  • Townsend, K., Clark, M., and Zekkos, D., 2021, Profiles of Near‐Surface Rock Mass Strength Across Gradients in Burial, Erosion, and Time. Journal of Geophysical Research: Earth Surface, v. 126, n. 4, doi: 10.1029/2020JF005694.

  • Gong, W., Zekkos, D., Clark, M., Manousakis, J., Kirshbaum, D., 2021, Regional 3D stability analyses of the Egkremnoi coastline and comparison with landsliding caused by the 2015 Lefkada earthquake. International Foundations Congress and Equipment Exposition 2021.

  • Gong, W., Zekkos, D., Clark, M., Kirshbaum, D., 2021, Newmark-type pseudo-three dimensional back-analysis of co-seismic landslides in Egkremnoi, Lefkada, Greece. Proceedings of the Geo-Extreme 2021 Conference, American Society of Civil Engineers

  • Pradel, D., Lobbestael, A., Brooks, C. N., Dobson, R., Marion, N., Oommen, T., Esser, A. J., Athanasopoulos-Zekkos, A., Zekkos, D., Clark, M., Townsend, K., Niemi, N., Midttun, N., Hille, M., 2021, The May 19th 2020 failure of Edenville Dam near Midland, Michigan, Proceedings of the Geo-Extreme 2021 Conference, American Society of Civil Engineers.

  • Medwedeff, W. G., Clark, M. K., Zekkos, D., West, A. J., 2020, Characteristic landslide distributions: An investigation of landscape controls on landslide size, Earth and Planetary Science Letters, v. 539. doi:10.1016/j.epsl.2020.116203.

  • Townsend, K.F., Gallen, S.F. and Clark, M.K., 2020, Quantifying Near‐Surface Rock Strength on a Regional Scale From Hillslope Stability Models. Journal of Geophysical Research: Earth Surface, v. 125, n.7, p.e 2020JF005665.

  • Massey, C., Townsend, D., Lukovic, B., Jones, K., Rhoades, D., Morgenstern, R., Ries, W., Howarth, J., Hamling, I., Petley, D., Clark, M., Wartman, J., Litchfield, N., Olsen, M., 2020, Volume characteristics of landslides triggered by the MW7.8 2016 Kaikōura Earthquake, New Zealand, derived from digital surface difference modelling. Journal of Geophysical Research: Earth Surface. doi:10.1029/2019JF005163.

  • Staisch, L.M., Niemi, N.A., Clark, M.K. and Chang, H. 2020, The Cenozoic Evolution of Crustal Shortening and Left‐Lateral Shear in the Central East Kunlun Shan: Implications for the Uplift History of the Tibetan Plateau. Tectonics, v. 39, n.9, e.2020TC006065.

  • Knoper, L., Allstadt, K.E., Clark, M.K., Thompson, E.M., and Schmitt, R.G., 2020, Inventory of landslides triggered by the 2020 Puerto Rico earthquake sequence. U.S. Geological Survey data release,

  • Yakovlev, P. V., Saal, A., Clark, M. K., Chang, H., Niemi, N. A., Soumen, M., 2019, The geochemistry of Tibetan lavas: spatial and temporal relationships, tectonic links and geodynamic implications, Earth and Planetary Science Letters, v. 520, p. 115-126. doi: 10.1016/j.epsl.2019.04.032.

  • Saroglou, C., Asteriou, P., Zekkos, D., Tsiambaos, G., Clark, M., Manousakis, J., 2018, UAV-based mapping, back analysis and trajectory modeling of a coseismic rockfall in Lefkada island, Greece, Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences, 18, 321-33. doi: 10.5194/nhess-18-321-2018.

  • Zekkos, D., Greenwood, W., Lynch, J., Manousakis, J., Athanasopoulos-Zekkos, A., Clark, M. and Saroglou, C., 2018, Lessons Learned from The Application of UAV-Enabled Structure-From-Motion Photogrammetry in Geotechnical Engineering, ISSMGE International Journal of Geoengineering Case Histories, 4, 254-274.

  • Niemi, N. A. and Clark, M. K., 2018, Million-year exhumation rates exceed paleoseismic slip rates in the central Santa Monica Mountains, Los Angeles County, California. Geology, 46, 63-66. doi:10.1130/G39388.1.

  • Von Voigtlander, J., Clark, M., K., Zekkos, D., Greenwood, W., Anderson, S. P., Anderson, R. S., Godt, J. W., 2018, Strong variation in weathering of layered rock maintains hillslope‐scale strength under high precipitation, Earth Surface Processes and Landforms, 43, 1183-11194, doi: 10.1002/esp.4290.

  • Roback, K., Clark, M.K., West, A.J., Zekkos, D., Li, G., Gallen, S.F., Chamlagain, D. and Godt, J.W., 2018, The size, distribution, and mobility of landslides caused by the 2015 Mw7. 8 Gorkha earthquake, Nepal, Geomorphology, 301, 121-138.

  • Zekkos, D., Clark, M., Whitworth, M., Greenwood, W., West, A.J., Roback, K., Li, G., Chamlagain, D., Manousakis, J., Quackenbush, P. and Medwedeff, W., 2017, Observations of landslides caused by the April 2015 Gorkha, Nepal, earthquake based on land, UAV, and satellite reconnaissance, Earthquake Spectra, 33, S95-S114.

  • Zekkos, D., Clark, M., Cowell, K., Medwedeff, W., Manousakis, J., Saroglou, H. and Tsiambaos, G., 2017, September. Satellite and UAV-enabled mapping of landslides caused by the November 17th 2015 Mw 6.5 Lefkada earthquake, in Proc. 19th Int. Conference on Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering, 17-22.

  • Li, G., West, A.J., Densmore, A.L., Jin, Z., Zhang, F., Wang, J., Clark, M. and Hilton, R.G., 2017, Earthquakes drive focused denudation along a tectonically active mountain front, Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 472, 253-265.

  • Stahl, T., Clark, M.K., Zekkos, D., Athanasopoulos‐Zekkos, A., Willis, M., Medwedeff, W., Knoper, L., Townsend, K. and Jin, J., 2017, Earthquake science in resilient societies, Tectonics, 36, 749-753.

  • Gallen, S.F., Clark, M.K., Godt, J.W., Roback, K. and Niemi, N.A., 2017, Application and evaluation of a rapid response earthquake-triggered landslide model to the 25 April 2015 Mw 7.8 Gorkha earthquake, Nepal. Tectonophysics, 714, 173-187.

  • Roe, G. H., Q. Ding, D. S. Battisti, P. Molnar, M. K. Clark and C. Garzione, 2016, A modeling study of the response of Asian summertime climate to the largest geologic forcings of the past 50 Ma, Journal of Geophysical Research, 121, 5453-5470.

  • Staisch, L. M., N. A. Niemi, M. K. Clark, and H. Chang, 2016, Eocene to late Oligocene history of crustal shortening within the Hoh Xil Basin and implications for the uplift history of the northern Tibetan Plateau, Tectonics, 35, 862-895.

  • Sousa, F., K. A. Farley, J. Saleeby, and M. K. Clark, 2015, Eocene activity on the Western Sierra Fault System and its role incising Kings Canyon, California, Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 439, 29-38.

  • Gallen, S. F., M. K. Clark, M. K. and J. W. Godt, J. W., 2015, Coseismic landslides reveal near-surface rock strength in a highrelief, tectonically active setting, Geology, 43, 11-14, doi: 10.1130/G36080.1. Article

  • Craddock, W. H., E. Kirby, H. Zhang, M. K. Clark, J. D. Champagnac, and D. Yuan, D., 2014, Rates and style of Cenozoic deformation around the Gonghe Basin, northeastern Tibetan Plateau, Geosphere, 10, 1255-1282. Article

  • Staisch, L. M., N. A. Niemi, H. Chang, M. K. Clark, D. B. Rowley, and B. Currie, 2014, A Cretaceous-Eocene depositional age for the Fenghuoshan Group, Hoh Xil Basin: Implications for the tectonic evolution of the northern Tibet Plateau, Tectonics, 33, 281-301. Article

  • Yuan, D. Y., Ge, W. P., Chen, Z. W., Li, C. Y., Wang, Z. C., Zhang, H. P., Zhang, P. Z., Zheng, D. W., Zheng, W. J., Craddock, W. H., Dayem, K. E., Duvall, A. R., Hough, B. G., Lease, R. O., Champagnac, J. D., Burbank, D. W., Clark, M. K., Farley, K. A., Garzione, C. N., Kirby, E., Molnar, P., Roe, G. H., 2013, The growth of northeastern Tibet and its relevance to large‐scale continental geodynamics: A review of recent studies, Tectonics, 32, 1358-1370. Article

  • Duvall, A. R., Clark, M. K., Kirby, E., Farley, K. A., Craddock, W. H., Li, C., and Yuan, D. Y., 2013, Low‐temperature thermochronometry along the Kunlun and Haiyuan Faults, NE Tibetan Plateau: Evidence for kinematic change during late‐stage orogenesis, Tectonics, 32, 1190-1211. Article

  • Duvall, A. R., Clark, M. K., Avdeev, B., Farley, K. A., and Chen, Z., 2012, Widespread late Cenozoic increase in erosion rates across the interior of eastern Tibet constrained by detrital low‐temperature thermochronometry, Tectonics, 31, TC3014. Article

  • Clark, M. K., 2012, Continental collision slowing due to viscous mantle lithosphere rather than topography, Nature, 483, 74–77. Article

  • Clark, M. K., 2011, Early Tibetan Plateau uplift history eludes, Geology, 39, 991–992. Article

  • Avdeev, B., Niemi, N. A., and Clark, M. K., 2011, Doing more with less: Bayesian estimation of erosion models with detrital thermochronometric data, Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 305, 385–395. Article

  • Duvall, A. R., Clark, M. K., van der Pluijm, B., and Li, C., 2011, Direct dating of Eocene reverse faulting in northeastern Tibet using Ar-dating of fault clays and low-temperature thermochronometry, Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 304, 520–526. Article

  • Lease, R. O., Burbank, D. W., Clark, M. K., Farley, K. A., Zheng, D., and Zhang, H., 2011, Middle Miocene reorganization of deformation along the northeastern Tibetan Plateau, Geology, 39, 359–362. Article

  • Duvall, A. R., and Clark M. K., 2010, Dissipation of fast strike-slip faulting within and beyond northeastern Tibet, Geology, 38, 223-226. Article

  • Clark, M. K., Farley, K. A., Zheng, D., Wang, Z., Duvall, A. R., 2010, Early Cenozoic faulting of the northern Tibetan Plateau margin from apatite (U–Th)/He ages, Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 296, 78–88. Article

  • Zheng, D., Clark, M. K., Zhang, P., Zheng, W., and Farley, K. A., 2010, Erosion, fault initiation and topographic growth of the North Qilian Shan (northern Tibetan Plateau), Geosphere, 6, 937–941. Article

  • Dayem, K. E., Molnar, P., Clark, M. K., and Houseman, G. A., 2009, Far-field lithospheric deformation in Tibet during continental collision, Tectonics, 28, TC6005. Article

  • Clark, M. K., and Bilham, R., 2008, Miocene rise of the Shillong Plateau and the beginning of the end of the Eastern Himalaya, Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 269, 337–351. Article

  • Clark, M. K., 2007, The significance of paleotopography, Reviews in Mineralogy and Geochemistry, 66, 1–21. Article

  • Farley, K. A., and Clark, M. K., 2006, Progress and problems with apatite (U-Th)/He dating, Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 70, A166–A166, Suppl. S. Article

  • Clark, M. K., Maheo, G., Saleeby, J., and Farley, K., 2006, The non-equilibrium landscape of the Sierra Nevada, California: Reply, GSA Today, on-line forum, doi: 10.1130/GSATOFe11. Article

  • Clark, M. K., Royden, L. H., Whipple, K. X., Burchfiel, B. C., Zhang, X., and Tang, W., 2006, Use of a regional, relict landscape to measure vertical deformation of the eastern Tibetan Plateau, Journal of Geophysical Research–Earth Surface, 111, F03002. Article

  • Farley, K. A., Shuster, D. L., Clark, M., and Maheo, G., 2005, Dating erosion events using He-4/He-3 thermochronometry, Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 69, A317–A317, Suppl. S.

  • Clark, M. K., Maheo, G., Saleeby, J., and Farley, K., 2005, The non-equilibrium landscape of the Sierra Nevada, California, GSA Today, 15(9), 4–10. Article

  • Clark, M. K., Bush, J. W. M., and Royden, L. H., 2005, Dynamic topography produced by lower crustal flow against rheological strength heterogeneities bordering the Tibetan Plateau, Geophysical Journal International, 162, 575–590. Article

  • Clark, M. K., House, M. A., Royden, L. H., Whipple, K. X., Burchfiel, B. C., Zhang, X., and Tang, W., 2005, Late Cenozoic uplift of southeastern Tibet, Geology, 33, 525–528. Article

  • Clark, M. K., Schoenbohm, L. M., Royden, L. H., Whipple, K. X., Burchfiel, B. C., Zhang, X., Tang, W., Wang, E., and Chen, L., 2004, Surface uplift, tectonics, and erosion of eastern Tibet from large-scale drainage patterns, Tectonics, 23, TC1006. Article

  • Clark, M. K., 2003, Late Cenozoic Uplift of Southeastern Tibet [Ph.D. thesis], Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, 226 p. Thesis

  • Clift, P., Il Lee, J., Clark, M. K., and Blusztajn, J., 2002, Erosional response of South China to arc rifting and monsoonal strengthening; a record from the South China Sea, Marine Geology, 184, 207–226. Article

  • Clift, P. D., Shimizu, N., Layne, G. D., Blusztajn, J. S., Gaedicke, C., Schluter, H. U., Clark, M. K., and Amjad, S., 2001, Development of the Indus Fan and its significance for the erosional history of the Western Himalaya and Karakoram, Geological Society of America Bulletin, 113, 1039–1051. Article

  • Clark, M. K., and Royden, L. H., 2000, Topographic ooze: Building the eastern margin of Tibet by lower crustal flow, Geology, 28, 703–706. Article

  • Alsdorf, D., Makovsky, Y., Zhao, W., Brown, L. D., Nelson, K. D., Klemperer, S., Hauck, M., Ross, A., Cogan, M., Clark, M., Che, J., and Kuo, J., 1998, INDEPTH (International Deep Profiling of Tibet and the Himalaya) multichannel seismic reflection data: Description and availability, Journal of Geophysical Research–Solid Earth, 103, 26,993–26,999. Article