Invited Talks, Presentations and Panels


Human Trust in Robots: Teammate or Tool? Does it Matter?

Laboratory for Computational Sensing + Robotics Seminar

Whiting School of Engineering, Johns Hopkins University, Nov 8, 2023, Baltimore, MD.

The Problematic Problems and Potential Pitfalls of Human Trust in Robots

Short talk: Trust: Social Bridge Between Humans and Technology

(as part of Building Research Interdisciplinary Groups Through E-conferences), Sept 22, 2023, Live stream Youtube

The Future of AV and Automated Driving Interfaces

Keynote: Human and Technology: In the realm of ADAS 

(Workshop as part of ACM AutomotiveUI 2023) Sept 18, 2023, Ingolstadt, Germany.

The Problematic Problems of Human Trust in Robots: Is Trusting a Robot More like a Teammate or a Tool?

Keynote: Pre-Conference Virtual Program  (as part of IEEE AFRICON 2023 conference) Aug 31st, 2023, Nairobi, Kenya. Recording of the talk.

The Problematic Problems of Human Trust in Robots: Is Trusting a Robot More like a Teammate or a Tool and should we really care?

Keynote: International Workshop on Multidisciplinary Perspectives on Human-AI Team Trust 

(as part of HHAI conference) June 26th or 27th, 2023, Munich, Germany.

Diversity, Equality, and Inclusion or Not in the Age of AI and Robotics

New York University Center for Urban Science + Progress (CUSP) Seminar Series, May 5, online. 

A Multi-Study Analysis of Repairing Human-Robot Trust Using Theory of Mind and Relational Demography Theory

10th ANN SONIC NICO Workshop, May 18-20, Northwestern University, Evanston, IL. 

A Multi-Study Analysis of Repairing Human-Robot Trust using Theory of Mind and Relational Demography Theory

University of Georgia MIS Workshop Presentation Series, April 1, Athens, GA. 

Understanding the Tenure and Promotion Process

ischool Black Coalition, March 17, 2023, online.

What does it mean to be Human in the Age of AI and Robotics?

Keynote: Electronic Resources & Libraries, March 6 in Austin, Texas. 

Panel Discussion on "Early Career Development"     

Research Workshop at Arizona State University, Feb 22-23, 2023.

Panel Discussion on "Augmented Intelligence and Future of Work"     

HICSS 2023: Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences, Jan 3, online.


Individual Differences and the Effectiveness of Trust Repair in Human-Robot Collaborations

Human-Centered Computing section at the University of Copenhagen, Dec 13, 2022, Copenhagen, DE.

Robots and Healthcare: Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats

e-HAIL Symposium: Artificial Intelligence and Health, Sept 16, 2022, Ann Arbor, MI.

Human-Technology Collaboration: Repairing Trust in Human-Robot Teams

 Semiautonomous Seminar, UC Berkeley-EECS, July 22, 2022, Online

 Panel Discussion on "Building your Brand"       

  AMCIS 2022 Midcareer Workshop Panelist, Aug 11, 2022, Minneapolis, MN.

 University of Michigan Faculty Panel Discussion on AI, AR, and Robotics       

  University of Michigan Alumni/Donors May 25, 2022, Houston, TX. 

 Trust Repair in Human-Robot Teams: 4 Ways to Forgive Robot for Past Mistakes

  Management Information Systems Research Seminar, University of Oklahoma, April 28, 2022, Online

Trust Repair in Human-Robot Teams: 4 Ways to Forgive Robot for Past Mistakes

  Cornell University, Guest Lecture: Teams and Technology, April 25, 2022, Online

Robots in Healthcare: Where Is All This Really Going? (Talk Video) (Panel Video)

  University of Michigan 2022 Precision Health Symposium, Ann Arbor, MI , Mar 15, 2022 

Future of Human Work: Harnessing the Power of Augmented Intelligence and Augmented Cognition

   HICSS 2022: Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences, Jan 3, 2022, Online


Trust Repair in Human-Robot Teams: 4 Ways to Forgive Robot for Past Mistakes

  Wayne State University Computer Science Graduate Seminar Series, Dec 6, 2021, Online

Trust Repair in Human-Robot Teams: 4 Ways to Forgive Robot for Past Mistakes

 Purdue's Center for Innovation in Control, Optimization, and Networks (ICON) Seminar Series, Nov 19, 2021, Online

Mini Class - AI Bias: What is it and why is it problematic? (Talk Video)

 University of Michigan School of Information Mini Class Series, Oct 12, 2021, Online 

An Envision Future of Human and AV Interactions: Challenges and Opportunities

 Smart Cities Distinguished Speaker, University of Nevada, Las Vegas, July 21, 2021, Online

Trusting and Working with Diverse Robotic Co-workers (Talk Video)

 School of Information, University of Maryland, College Park, May 5, 2021, Online

Trusting and Working with Diverse Robotic Co-workers

         Distinguished Speakers Series, GBM, Fox School of Business, Temple University, April 9, Online. 

Trusting and Working with Diverse Robotic Co-workers

     Center for Computational & Data Sciences at School of Information Studies, Syracuse University, March 25, 2021, Online

Trusting and Working with Diverse Robotic Co-workers

 Zicklin School of Business, Baruch College, City University of New York  Feb. 24, Online

Safe Pedestrian-Automated Vehicle Interactions

         Opportunity, Mobility, Access: Transportation Alternatives in Michigan, University of Michigan, Feb. 24, Online.


Seeking Ethical use of Algorithms: Challenges and Mitigations

            Panelists: International Conference on Information Systems, December 13-16, India.

Designing Fair AI for Managing Employees

           Invited Speaker: Decision Sciences Institute, 51st Annual Conference Nov 21-23, 2020

Human-Robot Diversity and Willingness to Work with a Robot Co-worker 

            University of Arkansas, Walton College of Business, IS Seminar, Oct 30, 2020, Fayetteville, AR

Human and AI Work Collaboration

              Prepare AI: Feel the Pulse of the AI-Power Human Experience, Oct 28, 2020, St. Louis, MO

Biases in Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning

            AI 4 All, Online presentation, July 13, 2020

Human-Robot Diversity and Willingness to Work with a Robot Co-worker 

            International Faculty Development Program, Chandigarh University, India, July 7, 2020.

Pedestrian Trust in Automated Vehicles: Role of Traffic Signal and AV Driving Behavior

            Along with Suresh Jayaraman at CAR 2 CAR Communication Consortium June 16, 2020.

Explanations and Expectations: Trust Building in AVs

Speaker at the Mcity Research Review, May 5, 2020.


Designing Fair Artificial Intelligence for Managing Employees: A Review, Critique, and Design Agenda

    TUM Institute for Ethics in Artificial Intelligence, Dec 13, 2019, Technical University of Munich, Germany 

AI & Human Machine

     Catalyst Future of Work Symposium (Hosted by Lockheed Martin Corporation), Dec 2, 2019, Washington D.C.

AI and Robotics Symposium: Sharing Thought Leadership Shaping the Future of Work

      North Campus Research Complex, Nov 1, 2019, University of Michigan Ann Arbor, MI 48105

Dean's External Advisory Board Meeting: The Future of Work

      North Quad, Oct 25, 2019, University of Michigan Ann Arbor, MI 48105

Modeling Bi-directional Trust in Semi-Autonomy: Understanding How Risk Affects Driver Trust

      Automotive Research Center, May 16, 2019, University of Michigan (North Campus), Ann Arbor, MI 48109

Human-Robot Work Collaboration

       Future Ground Combat Vehicles, Speaker, April 30, 2019, Embassy Suites Novi, MI, USA.

Robots and the Workplace: Addressing Automation-Related Workplace Disruption

        Guest Panelist, April 23, 2019, Ann Arbor, MI, USA.


Trust but Communicate: Implicit and Explicit AV Communications on Pedestrians’ Trust during a Real-World Experiment

    2018 Toyota Research Institute Annual Program Review, November 13, 2018, Ann Arbor, MI.

Automation and the Dehumanization of Urban Spaces

        Invited Symposia Speaker at Shaping Future Cities on November 9, 2018, Ann Arbor, MI, USA.

Waiting at the Crosswalk: An Uncertainty Reduction Model of Trust between Automated Vehicles and Pedestrians

            Tandon School of Engineering, New York University, November 1, 2018, New York, NY, USA.

Michigan Meetings: Fall Symposium

         Invited Panelist on Living a Digital Life: Objects, Environments, Power on October 26, 2018, Ann Arbor, MI, USA.

Technology and the Changing Nature of Work: Enhancing Perceived Safety in Human-Robot Collaboration

           Invited Symposia Speaker at the 30th APS Annual Convention May 24-27, 2018, San Francisco, CA, USA.

Modeling Bi-Directional Trust in Semi-Autonomy for Improved System Performance

           Invited Symposia Speaker along with Dawn Tilbury at the Automotive Research Center May 16-17, 2018, Ann Arbor, USA.

Advice from U-M Sponsored Research Awardees

           Invited Panelist at U-M Office of Research 4th Celebrate Research, Palmer Commons, May 3, 2018, Ann Arbor, MI.  

Trust Building in AVs: Explanations and Expectations

           Speaker at the Mcity Research Review, May 2, Lurie Engineering Center, GM Rm, 1221 Beal Avenue, Ann Arbor, MI.

Washtenaw County Consensus Conference: Self-Driving Cars Expert Panel

           Ann Arbor Public Library May 24, 2018, 343 South 5th Avenue, Ann Arbor, MI 48104.

Trust in AV: An Uncertainty Reduction Model of AV-Pedestrian Interaction

            Indiana University School of Informatics, Computing, and Engineering Informatics Colloquium Series, Bloomington, IN.


Pedestrians and Non AV Drivers' Trust in Autonomous Vehicles

            2017 Toyota Research Institute Annual Program Review, Ann Arbor, MI

Situational Awareness, Trust in Autonomous Vehicles and Secondary Task Performance 

            ARC Seminar, Warren, MI

Trust at the Crosswalks: An Uncertainty Reduction Model of AV-Pedestrian Interactions

            Guest Lecture  in University of Michigan, Industrial and Operation Engineering Ergonomics Course

A Research Agenda and Vision for ARC Human Factors Group 

            ARC Autonomy-Mobility Workshop, Ann Arbor, MI

Trust Me! Examining the Role of Trust on User Acceptance of Autonomous Vehicles (Talk Video)

           Michigan Interactive and Social Computing Seminar, Ann Arbor, MI 


Explanations and Expectations: Trust Building in Autonomous Vehicles (AV)

Mobility Transformation Center, Ann Arbor, MI


Promoting Drivers’ Commitment to Drivers’ Assign Platform

Didi, Beijing, China


Does Collectivism Inhibit Individual Creativity?

Fudan University, School of Management, Shanghai

Fudan University, School of Computing, Shanghai


Teams Working with Robots

Center for the Advanced Study of Communities and Information, University of Maryland, College Park.



Monitoring and Trustin Virtual Teams

Organizational Psychology Brownbag Colloquium, Michigan State University.

E. J. Ourso College of Business, Information Systems & Decision Sciences Research Seminar, Louisiana State University.

Media and Information Studies PhD Research Seminar Series,Michigan State University.


Panelist on Navigating the Landscape of Information Systems Schools

PhD Project Information Systems Doctoral Student Association (ISDSA) Conference, Puerto Rico.



Trust but Verify? Unraveling the Relationship between Trust and Behavior Controls in Virtual Teams

Katz Graduate School of Business, University of Pittsburgh, 2013.

Kelley School of Business, Indiana University,2013.



Trust and Behavior Controls in Virtual Teams

FIRST presentation at the School of Information, University of Michigan.


Can I Help You? The Role of Informal Help Ties in Predicting Rich Conceptualizations of System Use

College of Business and Economics,Boise State University.


Differences are Different Testing and Extending the Capabilities-Based Theory of Technology

School of Information, University of Michigan.


Internal and External Validity in Experimental Designs

Guest Lecturer, SI 840: Research Methods, School of Information, University of Michigan.



Testing and Extending the Capabilities-Based Theory of Technology Use in Diverse Teams in 2010

Bryan School of Business and Economics, University of North Carolina, Greensboro,



Leveraging E-Identity Profiles in 2008

Information Systems Workshop at Price College of Business,The University of Oklahoma, Norman, OK.


Informal Help Networks on Multiple Dimensions of System Use

Information Systems Workshop, Walton College of Business,University of Arkansas, Fayetteville, AR.



Social Capital and Knowledge Integration in Digitally Enabled Teams

ISR Special Issue of Digital and Social Networks Workshop, College Park, Maryland.

Management Workshop at the University of Arkansas at Fayetteville, Walton College of Business.


Digitally Enabled Teams: Current and Future Research

Executive Advisory Board of the Information Technology Research Institute, Fayetteville, AR.



Social Capital and Knowledge Integration in Virtual Teams

University of Arkansas at Fayetteville, Walton College of Business Information Systems Workshop.

University of Memphis Fogleman College of Business & Economic Information Systems Workshop.

University of Nebraska at Omaha Information Systems Workshop.


Swift and Cognitive Trust in Virtual Teams

Big Ten IS Doctoral Research Symposium (Workshop) at Michigan State University



Trust in Virtual Teams

Information Systems workshop at Indiana University, Kelley School of Business.