
Wow, we just won the 2019 Vincent Bendix Automotive Electronics Engineering Award by SAE for our paper Situational Awareness, Driver’s Trust in Automated Driving Systems & Secondary Task Performance.

Accepted a position as a program board member on HCI INTERNATIONAL: MOBITAS: 2ND International Conference on HCI in Mobility, Transport & Automotive Systems (2020)

Call for Papers to Special Issue "The Future of Intelligent Human-Robot Collaboration" June 10, 2019.

Just got the news! "Are you satisfied yet? Shared leadership, individual trust, autonomy, and satisfaction in virtual teams, published in Journal of the Association for Information Science and Technology, is one of the journal's top downloaded recent papers!" June 5, 2019.

Robots and the Workplace: Addressing Automation-Related Workplace Disruption

Guest Panelist, April 23, 2019, Ann Arbor, MI, USA.

Sangseok You, presenting our HICSS 2019 paper on "Trusting Robots in Teams: Examining the Impacts of Trusting Robots on Team Performance and Satisfaction"

"Service Award" for work as a reviewer coordinator for AMCIS 2018!

Talk at Indiana University School of Informatics, Computing, and Engineering Informatics Colloquium Series, Bloomington, IN

"Trust in AV: An Uncertainty Reduction Model of AV-Pedestrian Interaction"

Featured as a Notable Kelley PhD Alumnus in 2017-2018 PhD brochure

MISC Talk on Youtube

MISC Talk: Lionel Robert

Papers Co-Chair of ACM GROUP 2018

Good Bye Lunch with Xinlin Yao! Mar 11, 2017 at AMA Bistro

Great news! I recently got several proposals funded!

  • Mobility Transformation Center (MTC): Explanations & Expectations of Autonomous Vehicles, 2017-2018

Recently quoted (Nov 10, 2016) in the "The Santa Clara" newspaper on the topic of autonomous vehicles.

A recent write-up on my appointment as Co-Chair of UMSI’s Diversity Committee.

UMSI’s Diversity Committee plans to build on past success

Great news! Daniel Romero, Ceren Budak and I recently got our NSF proposal funded!

NSF Award Abstract #1617820

Large-Scale Examination of the Impact of Shocks on Crowd Attributes and Performance in Collaborative Volunteering Systems

A recent write-up on my 2016 CHI paper on distance and diversity.

Designing Systems to Manufacturing Distance to Improve Collaboration

We had a visiting student at UMSI from Feb 13 to Feb 19! Tomohiro Ioku from School of Human Sciences, Osaka University came by..

University of Michigan School of Information, research experience for master's students (see link below)

A recent write-up on my nomination for paper best

"Best Paper Award Honorable Mention" for Monitoring and Trust in Virtual Teams in the 2016 ACM CSCW

"Service Award" for work as the Past President for AIS SIG on Cognitive Research at Pre-ICIS 2015 Workshop

Had a great time at the "ischool lunch at ICIS 2015" See pictures below:

Recently Accepted Papers

Ye, T., You, S., Robert, L. P. (2017). When Does More Money Work? Examining the Role of Perceived Fairness in Pay on the Performance Quality of Crowdworkers, in the International AAAI Conference on Web and Social Media (ICWSM 2017).

Zhang, A. F., Livneh, D., Budak, C., Robert, L. P. Romero, D. (2017). Firewall of Chinese Wikipedia: The Effect of Censorship Shocks on Collaborative Crowds, in the International AAAI Conference on Web and Social Media (ICWSM 2017).

Romero, D., Reinecke, K., Robert, L. P. (2017). The Influence of Early Respondents: Information Cascade Effects in Online Event Scheduling, in the 10th ACM International Web Search and Data Mining Conference (WSDM 2017).

Ye, T., Reinecke, K. and Robert, L. P. (2017). Personalized Feedback Versus Money: The Effect on Reliability of Subjective Data in Online Experimental Platforms in the 20th ACM Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work and Social Computing Companion (CSCW 2017), Feb 25-March 1, Portland, OR. Link to the copy provided by the author:

Ye, T. and Robert, L. P. (2017). Does Collectivism Inhibit Individual Creativity? The Effects of Collectivism and Perceived Diversity on Individual Creativity and Satisfaction in Virtual Ideation Teams, in the 20th ACM Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work and Social Computing (CSCW 2017).

Robert, L. P. and Sykes, T. (forthcoming). Extending the Concept of Control Beliefs: Integrating the Role of Advice Networks, Information Systems Research, (ISR), forthcoming.

Robert, L. P. and Romero, D. (2017). When Does Crowd Size Matter? The Influence of Diversity and Experience on the Effects of Crowd Size, Journal of the Association for Information Science and Technology (JAIST),68(2), pp. 321-332 (pdf), Link to JAIST and

the preprint version

Recent and Future Presentations

Presenting at the AOM 2016 in Anaheim, California, United States at 1:15 to 2:45!

Advancing Research on Distributed Virtual Work: New Discoveries and Theoretical Developments

Presented at Fudan University School of Computing on Wednesday June 14 at 2:00 to 3:30.

"Creative Decision Making in Electronic Brainstorming Teams"

Presented at Fudan University School of Management on Tuesday June 13 at 2:00 to 3:30.

"Creative Decision Making in Electronic Brainstorming Teams"

Presented at CHI 2016 in San Jose on Monday May 10, 2016 at 2:30!!pn2483

Presented at University of Maryland, School of Information, Center for the Advanced Study of Communities and Information April 26, 2016

Presented at CSCW 2016 in San Francisco on Monday Feb 29 at 2:30!!733

Monitoring and Trust in Virtual Teams, presented at the Organizational Psychology Brownbag Colloquium, Michigan State University, Dec 4, 2015

Monitoring and Trust in Virtual Teams, presented at the E. J. Ourso College of Business, Information Systems & Decision Sciences Department (ISDS) Research Seminar Series, Louisiana State University, Oct 23, 2015

Monitoring and Trust in Virtual Teams, presented at the Media and Information Studies PhD Research Seminar Series, Michigan State University, October 22, 2015