That Time I Chased Someone By Accident 

Brother Tom,

No need to feel embarrassed about anything. Stuff happens all the time. Though that reminds me of when I accidentally chased someone in the dead of night. It was a warm day when I went to the first club meeting I’ve ever been to in College. There was a classmate I met called Em at the time who introduced me to the Video Game Music Club. I play games all the time so I thought why not. So I got to the meeting and they were talking about vertical and horizontal music layering and whatnot. To me, I found that jargon to be interesting, but I ain’t ever gonna care about those terms. I fiddle around quite often with my guitar playing the Blues, but the Blues ain’t gonna care about theory. Beyond that, the meeting started at 8 but ended at round the latter part of eleven when I walked out of East Hall. I didn’t know my way around the place so I got out on the shady back side of East where all the crime and odd buildings were. Pulling out Google Maps, I searched up my dorm and got walking.

While walking I saw that my phone was almost dead and that I had to be resourceful. 7% ain’t gonna take me far so I kept it off and tried to memorize the roads I had to go through. While walking, I realized that I was going through a bunch of stoplights and shady streets so I got kinda scared. It was more or less the dark that scared me as I was alone in a strange unfamiliar place as I had just started college. Walking down the sidewalk, I got close to a random guy about a few heads shorter than me. He didn’t notice me because I walk absolutely silently despite being a 6’4” 300 pound man of fat and muscle. Thinking to myself, I was happy to see another person at the uninhabited intersections that we were crossing. 

At the moment, I was too scared to jaywalk and saw the guy in front of me start going through intersections with great confidence. I wanted to get to my room cause I was tired and kinda frightened. So as he would walk red lights, I would follow behind him at an accelerated pace as I don’t like jaywalking. At that point, my steps became heavier and my breathing became louder. Slowly, he started to realize that there was someone behind him, so he started to speed up. Being the scaredy cat I was, I didn’t want to jaywalk or walk alone at night, so I started to trail him. I sped up when he sped up.

At certain points, I’d check my phone to see where I was going and found that we were walking in the same direction as I got closer to the dorm. I was elated but realized that we were walking in kinda a zigzag motion. That was fine to me though because I thought he was just taking the shortest routes. I was new, so I trusted him with all my heart. 

Soon, I realized that the guy started to jog a bit, getting a little too fast for my liking. At that point, I got frightened thinking that there might have been something behind me so I followed suit. Soon enough we were running on the–brink of sprinting–down the sidewalk together. I thought to myself, man this guy is reliable. I can count on him if there is trouble behind me, so I never looked back again. 

Ironically, I saw my dorm in the distance when he started full-on sprinting towards the entrance. What a coincidence, I thought. I didn’t want to lose him so I started sprinting and gained traction getting unbelievably close to him–but not too close, ‘cause that is weird. I am a fast individual for my height and weight, so he didn’t lose me. Obviously getting kinda tired, he got to the first door, and he whipped it open allowing for me to slip through like a snake. (Man I am amazing). He got to the second door where he got his Mcard out and frantically started swiping to unlock the door. Under what I didn’t realize was panic, he couldn’t get it unlocked as I got closer and closer to him sweating balls and heaving. At the end, he dropped his Mcard and he fell to the ground. Trying to break the awkward silence, I said, “Let me try.” I went up to the door and found that my card wasn’t working either. The reader was broken. 

Coincidentally a person was walking by and opened the door for us. I went inside and held the door for him, but he just stayed on the ground all sweaty and tired. I didn’t really pay much attention to him thinking that he was weird, so I just went down the spiral staircase to my room and left him hanging.