Near Miss

Hey Jacob!

Remember how my grinder’s blade blew up and took out my glasses? I have had so many near misses in my life. Times when I almost die or do something I really regret. The first one that comes to mind was when I wanted to pull a funny joke I saw on the internet. It went like this: are you from Tennessee because you’re the only ten I don’t see! I thought that was hilarious so I wanted to use it on one of my classmates. What better time to use it than during D.A.R.E. in 7th grade. I went up to a good gal named Jaden and started the joke. At that moment I felt a sublime rush of adrenaline. My blood rushed through my veins, my heart was pulsating, my hair ecstatic, and I felt this insane sensation going through my head. I asked her if she was from Tennessee. She asked, “why?”

All I did was calmly respond with, “Oh, I thought you were from Tennessee.”