Knocking Out Old People 

Salutations Ronny,

I heard about how your Mom’s ok. Thank God she’s not hurt. It is kinda odd that people are getting older, y'know. My dad’s elbow ain’t ever gonna fully extend and my mom is using hair dyes nowadays. Soon enough, I’ll be peppered in no time as I got a couple strands of white on my head too. 

This brings me back to when I accidentally knocked my Grandpa and Grandma down to the ground. I remember one time, I was helping my Grandpa get up from his couch as he had mobility issues from his stroke and whatnot. When I helped him stand straight, I couldn’t help but give him a big hug. His name was Pak so I packed it with a lotta love. He lost his footing so we both fell down together hehehe. Everybody was scared at that moment, but he laughed. I miss him.

One time I was shoveling the snow. I always tell my grandma to go back inside, but she’s a strong woman. Someone I have always looked up to. Ain’t ever gonna take a day's rest. Always up early making food or workin hard. Anyway, I was staying over at her house and a big storm hit. I went out to the garage to get the snowblower out. Once it was out on the field of snow bout knee deep, I grabbed the chord and revved it back hard like a Beyblade. Didn’t notice good ol’ grandma was behind me and I gave her a good elbow, eh. Thankfully, I didn’t shovel any stuff yet so the snow cushioned her fall, but she went down like a sack of potatoes. I was worried sick, but she started hollering in laughter. I love my Grandma.