II Individual Fellowship Award (2021 CYCLE SUSPENDED)

The following information is general information for future award cycles. The 2021 II Individual Fellowship competition is suspended and no applications will be reviewed for this award this year.

The International Institute Individual Fellowship (IIIF) Award is designed to support University of Michigan-Ann Arbor students who will take part in international internships or who will conduct research abroad.

Award amounts are up to $5,000.

There is no preference for particular fields of study and the International Institute aims to fund a diverse array of students and projects.

IIIF Award Eligibility Criteria

  • Applicant must be a UM-Ann Arbor undergraduate, graduate (master's, PhD pre-candidates only), or professional school student, regardless of citizenship, who is enrolled in a degree program

  • Upon completing the project, student must return to campus for at least one term prior to graduation

  • Internships and research projects cannot begin before May 1, 2020, and cannot extend past May 31, 2021

  • Projects must take place outside of the U.S. and U.S. territories

  • Research projects must be at least 30 days (1 month) in length

  • Eligible internships must be at least 30 days (1 month) in length and constitute at least a 30-hour-per-week time commitment

  • All projects must meet the requirements of the University Travel Policy and, if applicable, the Institutional Review Board

  • Applications must be submitted by individuals- team or group submissions are not permitted

  • Funding is not available for language study or service learning

IIIF Award Eligible Project Categories

Internships: Funding is available for undergraduate, graduate, and professional school students to participate in international internships that are related to their degree progress. Internships can be with private companies, government agencies, international organizations, or non-governmental organizations. The International Institute cannot assist applicants in obtaining internship placements. Internships may be paid or unpaid, but students with paid internships must include their salary amounts in their application, and are eligible only for partial funding.

Research Projects: Funding is available for undergraduate, masters and professional school students who are doing research abroad as part of their degree program. This includes thesis research, participation in an on-going research project as part of a required degree-related work experience, or other independent research toward degree requirements. The research project does not have to be for academic credit.

Preliminary Dissertation Research: Must be pre-candidate at time project will take place. Doctoral candidates should apply for the Rackham International Research Award (RIRA). Funding is available for support of preliminary visits to prospective overseas dissertation sites by PhD students who are planning doctoral research on topics in area and international studies. These awards are intended to enable students to develop a firm foundation for future dissertation research.

IIIF Award Reporting Requirements

Grantees will be required to provide a brief report outlining the experience within one month of their return to the United States.

Grantees are also encouraged to write an article or submit photographs (or both) to be considered for publication in International Institute materials, and for award consideration to the II Photo Contest.