IEDP 2019: Morocco

Where Are We Going?

Morocco was selected as the destination for IEDP 2019 because it is a stable and vibrant North African country, and because students have a great deal to learn from its policy successes and challenges. Ford School students will spend January and most of February 2019 in the classroom learning about Moroccan history, politics, and policy. They will focus on a handful of major policy issues, including statistical capacity and data management, environmental sustainability, inclusive development in addressing the gender gap, and workforce development. From February 28th through March 10th, they will visit Morocco to speak with policymakers, industry officials, civil society representatives, and other experts.

To learn more about the students participating in the 2019 trip, see Meet the Team.

What are We Studying?

Over the course of the winter term, IEDP students will be learning both about Morocco and about broader strategies for conducting balanced and informed country case studies. Emphasis will be given to understanding and appreciating the ways in which policy and politics are constructed within unique cultural contexts, and developing fundamental skills in ethical and responsible social research.

For more information on student research projects, see Research.