Peer-reviewed articles
17. Hong Y., Anderson E. J. , Fry F., Do H.X., Kesseler J., Read L., Nasab A.R., Gronewold A.D. , and Mason L., (submitted) Evaluation of gridded precipitation datasets over international basins and large lakes.
16. Do, H.X., Vo, P.N.D., Pham, T.H., Mei, Y., and Gronewold, A.D. (submitted) Observed response of tropical river streamflow to climate change – evidence from a national database.
15. Gudmundsson, L., Boulange, J.E.S., Do, H. X., Gosling, S.M., Grillakis M.G., Koutroulis, A.G., Leonard, M., Lui, J., Papadimitriou, L., Pokhrel, Y., Schewe, J., Zhang, X., Schmied, H.M., Seneviratne, S.I., Thiery, W., Westra, S., and Zhao, F. (2021), Globally observed trends in mean and extreme river flow attributed to man-made climate change. Science, 371(6534), 1159-1162.
14. Fowler, H.J., Lenderink, G., Prein, A., Westra, S., Allan, R., Ban, N., Barbero, R., Berg, P., Blenkinshop, S., Do, H. X., Guerreiro, S., Haerter, J., Kendon, E., Lewiz, E., Schaer, C., Sharma, A., Wasko, C., Villarini, G., and Zhang, X. (2021), Understanding the intensification of short-duration rainfall extremes with global warming and the implications for flood hazard. Nature Reviews Earth & Environment.
13. Gronewold, A. D., Do, H. X., Mei, Y., & Stow, C. A. (2021). A tug‐of‐war within the hydrologic cycle of a continental freshwater basin. Geophysical Research Letters, 47, e2020GL090374.
12. Ridder, N.N., Pitman, A.J., Westra, S., Ukkola, A., Do, H.X., Bador, M., Hirsch, A.L., Evans, J.P., Di Luca, A. and Zscheischler, J. (2020). Global hotspots for the occurrence of compound events. Nat Commun 11, 5956.
11. Do, H. X., Mei, Y., and Gronewold, A. D. (2020). To what extent are changes in flood magnitude related to changes in precipitation extremes? Geophysical Research Letters, 47, e2020GL088684.
10. Yu, S., Do, H. X., van Dijk, A. I. J. M., Bond, N. R., Lin, P., and Kennard, M. J. (2020). Evaluating a landscape-scale daily water balance model to support spatially continuous representation of flow intermittency throughout stream networks, Hydrol. Earth Syst. Sci., 24, 5279–5295,, 2020.
9. Do, H. X., Smith, J.P., Fry, L.M., and Gronewold, A.D., 2020. Seventy-year long record of monthly water balance estimates for Earth’s largest lake system. Sci Data 7, 276.
8. Do, Q.V., Do, H. X., Do, N.C., and Ngo, A.L., 2020 Changes in Precipitation Extremes across Vietnam and Its Relationships with Teleconnection Patterns of the Northern Hemisphere. Water 12, 1646.
7. Do, H. X., Zhao, F., Westra, S., Leonard, M., Gudmundsson, L., Boulange, J. E. S., Chang, J., Ciais, P., Gerten, D., Gosling, S. N., Müller Schmied, H., Stacke, T., Telteu, C.-E., and Wada, Y., 2020. Historical and future changes in global flood magnitude – evidence from a model–observation investigation, Hydrol. Earth Syst. Sci., 24, 1543–1564,, 2020 (One of most downloaded Hydrol. Earth Syst. Sci. articles in the last 12 months, Apr 2020)
6. Addor, N., Do, H. X., Alvarez-Garreto, C., Coxon, G., Fowler, K., and Mendoza, P., 2019. Large-sample hydrology: recent progress, guidelines for new datasets and grand challenges. Hydrological Sciences Journal.
5. Do, H. X., Westra, S., Leonard, M., and Gudmundsson, L., 2019. Global‐Scale Prediction of Flood Timing Using Atmospheric Reanalysis. Water Resources Research, 55.
4. Gudmundsson, L., Leonard, M., Do, H. X., Westra, S., and Seneviratne, S.I., 2019, Observed Trends in Global Indicators of Mean and Extreme Streamflow. Geophysical Research Letters, 46(2), 756-766 (Top downloaded paper 2018-2019)
3. Do, H. X., Gudmundsson, L., Leonard, M., and Westra, S., 2018, The Global Streamflow Indices and Metadata Archive (GSIM) – Part 1: The production of daily streamflow archive and metadata, Earth Syst. Sci. Data, (One of most downloaded Earth Syst. Sci. Data articles in the last 12 months, December 2018)
2. Gudmundsson, L., Do, H. X., Leonard, M., and Westra, S., 2018, The Global Streamflow Indices and Metadata Archive (GSIM) – Part 2: Quality Control, Timeseries Indices and Homogeneity Assessment, Earth Syst. Sci. Data, (One of most downloaded Earth Syst. Sci. Data articles in the last 12 months, December 2018)
1. Do, H. X., Westra, S., and Leonard, M., 2017, A global-scale investigation of trends in annual maximum streamflow, Journal of Hydrology, Volume 552, 2017, Pages 28-43, (One of most downloaded J. Hydrol. articles, November 2017; cited by IPCC Special Report “Global Warming of 1.5 ºC”)
Do, H.X., Smith, J.P., Fry, L.M., Gronewold, A.D. (2020). Monthly water balance estimates for the Laurentian Great Lakes from 1950 to 2019 (v1.1) [Data set]. University of Michigan - Deep Blue.
Do, H.X., Gudmundsson, L., Leonard, M., Westra, S., 2018, The Global Streamflow Indices and Metadata Archive - Part 1: Station catalog and Catchment boundary. PANGAEA,
Gudmundsson, L., Do, H.X., Leonard, M., Westra, S., 2018, The Global Streamflow Indices and Metadata Archive (GSIM) - Part 2: Time Series Indices and Homogeneity Assessment. PANGAEA,
Media contribution
Westra, S., Do, H.X., Globally, floods seem to be decreasing even as extreme rainfall rises. Why?, The Conversation,, Accessed 28 June 2017
Invited talks and presentation
(underline indicates master student that is co-supervised)
Hong, Y., Anderson, E. J., Fry, L., Do, H. X., Gronewold, A., and Kesseler, J., Mason, L., Read, L. K., Nasab, A. R., 2020, Evaluating precipitation products over large lakes and international basins, Winnipeg, Canada.
Do, H. X., Gronewold, A., Fry, L., and Smith, J., 2020, Driving factors of changes in water levels across the Laurentian Great Lakes, 2020 Conference on Great Lakes Research, Winnipeg, Canada.
Addor, N., Do, H. X., Alvarez-Garreto, C., Coxon, G., Fowler, K., and Mendoza, P., 2020, Large-sample hydrology to foster open and collaborative research: a review of recent progress and grand challenges, EGU General Assembly 2020, Vienna, Austria
Do, H. X., and Gronewold, A., Evaluating the capacity of the National Water Model streamflow reanalysis in simulating flood hazards, 2020, MUSE, Ann Arbor, U.S.
Do, H. X., Gronewold, A., Fry, L., and Smith, J., 2019, Understanding drivers of recent record-high water levels across the Laurentian Great Lakes, AGU Fall Meeting 2019, San Francisco, U.S.
Do, H. X., Zhao F., Westra S., Leonard L., Gudmundsson L., Chang J., Ciais P., Gerten D., Gosling S.N., Schmied H.M., Stacke T., Stanislas B.J.E, and Wada Y., 2019, A hybrid model-observation analysis of changes in global flood hazard, AGU Fall Meeting 2019, San Francisco, U.S..
Chen, Z., Do, H. X., Gronewold, A., Mulumpwa, M., Chavula, G., and Cosmo, N., 2019, Reconstructing and forecasting the water balance of Lake Chilwa (Malawi), AGU Fall Meeting 2019, San Francisco, U.S.
Gronewold A., Askar M., Jayoram J., Chen Z., Do, H. X., Mulumpwa M., Ngongondo, C., and Chavula, G., 2019, Customizing an interactive hydroclimate dashboard for large lakes in Africa, AGU Fall Meeting 2019, San Francisco, U.S.
Do, H. X., [Invited] Reconciling the Great Lakes water balance, University of Adelaide, Adelaide, Australia, September 15, 2019
Do, H. X., Zhao F., Westra S., Leonard L., Gudmundsson L., Chang J., Ciais P., Gerten D., Gosling S.N., Schmied H.M., Stacke T., Stanislas B.J.E, and Wada Y., 2019, Understanding past and future changes to global flood hazard: Comparison of global hydrological models with streamflow observations, The 23rd International Congress on Modelling and Simulation, Canberra, Australia
Do, H. X., Zhao F., Westra S., Leonard L., and Gudmundsson L., 2019, A global-scale comparison of modeled and observed trends in magnitude and frequency of flooding, EGU General Assembly 2019, Vienna, Austria
Gudmundsson L., Do H. X., Gosling S.N., Grillakis M.G., Koutroulis A.G., Leonard M., Lui J., Schmied H.M., Papadimitriou L., Pokhrel Y., Schewe J., Seneviratne S.I., Thiery W., Westra S., Zhang X., and Zhao F., 2019, Detection of Human influence in global accounts of observed indicators of low, mean and high streamflow, EGU General Assembly 2019, Vienna, Austria
Do, H. X., [Invited] Changes in flood hazards in the context of climate changes – A global perspective, Nong Lam University, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam, April 05, 2019
Do, H. X., Gudmundsson, L., Leonard, M., and Westra, S., 2018, The Global Streamflow Indices and Metadata (GSIM) archive – A compilation of 30,959 streamflow records across the globe, AGU Fall Meeting 2018, Washington D.C., U.S.
Gudmundsson L., Do, H. X., Gosling, S., Leonard, M., Liu, J., Schmied, H.M., Schewe, J., Seneviratne, S.I., Westra, S., Wim, T., Zhang, X. and Zhao, F., 2018, Using big data to detect and attribute global hydrological change, AGU Fall Meeting 2018, Washington D.C., U.S.
Do, H. X., [Invited] The Global Streamflow Indices and Metadata (GSIM) archive and global-scale investigations of flood characteristics, UFZ Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research, Leipzig, Germany, April 18, 2018
Gudmundsson, L., Do, H. X., Leonard, M., Westra, S., and Senerivatne, S.I, 2018, Investigating hydrological change using the Global Streamflow Indices and Metadata (GSIM) archive, EGU General Assembly 2018, Vienna, Austria
Do, H. X., Gudmundsson, L., Leonard, M., Westra, S., and Senerivatne, S., 2018, Global-scale prediction of flood timing using atmospheric reanalysis and the Global Streamflow Indices and Metadata (GSIM) archive, EGU General Assembly 2018, Vienna, Austria
Do, H. X., Gudmundsson, L., Leonard, M., Westra, S., and Senerivatne, S.I., 2017, The Global Streamflow Indices and Metadata archive (G-SIM): A compilation of global streamflow time series indices and meta-data, EGU General Assembly 2017, Vienna, Austria
Do, H. X., Westra, S., and Leonard, M., 2016, A global-scale investigation of trends in annual maximum streamflow, OzEWEX 3rd National Workshop, Canberra, Australia
Do, H. X., Westra, S., and Leonard, M., 2016, Are worldwide floods changing? Evidence from global high-quality annual maximum streamflow records, EGU General Assembly 2016, Vienna, Austria
Scientific report
Addor N., Andréassian V., Alvarez-Garreton C., Coxon G., Do H.X., Fowler K., Mathevet T. and Mendoza P., 2019, Panta Rhei working group on Large-sample hydrology - Third biennium report, International Association Of Hydrological Sciences