May 11 - 12, 2023

Summit on Workforce Valuation & Performance

at the University of Michigan Ross School of Business

A convening of talks, activities, and workshops co-hosted by the University of Michigan Ross School of Business & the Human Capital Management Coalition

This event aims to create a space to discuss how we might get more useful and transparent data about how companies manage and support their people. Investors in recent years have been working to improve their collective understanding of human capital management (HCM), and other market participants and allies – including researchers, foundations, and others – have joined the push for higher-quality information regarding human capital in the marketplace. In June 2022, a group of prominent academics and former securities regulators (including several of our organizers) petitioned the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission to substantially improve information reported by publicly-traded companies to investors on workforce costs and labor management quality. In August 2022, the Ford Foundation and JUST Capital convened a group of prominent academics, foundations, asset owners and asset managers, and other key thought leaders convened to discuss how best to build and support high-quality research into workforce valuation and performance.

These meetings made clear just how inadequate our current data are to understanding the organization of the 21st century economy, including such basic facts as “How many contingent workers does a company have? How much is spent on labor, including training? What’s the demographic profile of the workforce? How much turnover is there?" The May gathering aims to build on this momentum by mapping out next steps. 

Thursday, May 11

The first day is a half-day summit for a small set of academics who bring unique perspectives and expertise from a diverse set of fields – management, law, accounting, economics, computer science – intended to lay the foundations for an interdisciplinary endeavor aimed at creating better, more systematic data about the workforce.
This is a closed-door, invitation-only meeting for a select group of scholars. 

Friday, May 12

The second day is a convening of investors (asset owners and asset managers), academics, and other market participants with interest and familiarity on the topic (accounting/audit firms, regulatory experts, etc.).

The Speakers

Peter Cappelli

Wharton School

Robert J. Jackson Jr


David Ulrich

Michigan Ross and RBL

Colleen Honigsberg

Stanford Law

Ethan C. Rouen

Harvard Business School

Jerry Davis

Michigan Ross

Cambria Allen Ratzlaff

Human Capital Management Coalition and JUST Capital

Matthew Shapiro

Survey Research Center
University of Michigan

Matt Sigelman

Burning Glass Institute

M. Diane Burton

Professor, Academic Director Institute for Compensation Studies, Cornell ILR

Erica Groshen

Senior Economics Advisor Institute for Compensation Studies, Cornell ILR

Ani Huang

President and CEO
Center On Executive Compensation

Dr Mario Abela

Senior Advisor
Value Balancing Alliance

Forest Gregg


Joseph B. Fuller

Professor, HBS
Managing the Future of Work

Scott Page

Michigan Ross School of Business

Tracy Stewart

Senior Director, Investor Strategies and Shareholder Governance for JUST Capital

Matthew Nestler

Director of Research Insights, Corporate Impact
JUST Capital

Michael Garland 

Assistant Comptroller – Corporate Governance & Responsible Investment,
NYC Comptroller’s Office

Kimberly Stokes

Executive Director and Corporate Engagement Strategist @ Calvert

Holly Fetter

Vice President on the Asset Stewardship Team at State Street Global Advisors

Sarah Bratton Hughes

SVP & Head of Sustainable Investing for American Century Investments

Angus Bauer

Head of Sustainable Research, Schroders

Charles G. Tharp

Boston University Questrom School of Business

The Venue

University of Michigan
Ross School of Business

701 Tappan Ave
Ann Arbor, MI 48109

The Summit will take  place at the University of Michigan’s Ross School of Business located at 701 Tappan Street, Ann Arbor, MI 48109. Main sessions be be held in the Blau Colloquium. Workshops will take place in classrooms throughout the building on various levels.

Special Thanks to Our Sponsors