Photo Gallery

Team Photos

SEAS Hydro Research team, June 2023.

Top (left to right): Sarah Katz, Manish Venumuddula, Yi Hong,  James Kessler, Troy Sorenson, Alex VandeWeghe, Laura Akey, Jada Langston

Bottom (left to right): Andrew Gronewold, Rachel Rubanguka, Anna Gossard, Trece Hopp, Camila Castaneda

Summer 2021 Team: (left to right): Kristen Mack, Zoe Eshgh Khatami, Yifan Luo, Yiwen Mei, Danielle Cohn, Jennani Jayaram, Andrew VandeWeghe, Rachel Rubanguka, Victor Lin, Drew Gronewold
Summer 2019pictured top to bottom:  Andrew Gronewold, Howie Chen, (right) Hong Do, Christine Brown, Karl Kirchner, Mairna Askar 
June 2022: (left to right) Justin Huber, Yifan Luo, and Maegan Muir present research to the Great Lakes and St. Lawrence Governors and Premiers in Erie, PA.


SEAS-Hydro at AGU Fall 2023 meeting in San Francisco, CA. 
Pictured from left to right: Alex VanDeWeghe, Vianey Rueda, Manish Venummuddula, Eamon Espey, Drew Gronewold, Caleb Wegener, Anna Gossard
Muse Conference, February 2020 pictured left to right: Christine Brown, Alexander VanDeWeghe, Yiwen Mei, Hong Do, Helena Garcia, Drew Gronewold
AGU Conference, Fall 2023. Pictured left to right: Caleb Wegener, Anne Fetrow, and Anna Gossard presenting on the water balance model of Mono Lake.

AGU Conference, 2019Jennani Jayaram presenting at AGU
AGU Conference, Fall 2022. Anna Gossard and Alex VandeWeghe on statistically representing the water balance of large lakes.

AGU Conference, 2019ECCC Colleague Chris Spence (left) with students Karl Kirchner and Christine Brown presenting poster research

Field Work

Research team in Mono Lake, CA, October 2022. Pictured from left to right is Caleb Wegener, Jada Langston, Alex VanDeWeghe, Peter Vorster and Anna Gossard.

Andrew Gronewold at Mono Lake, California, October 2022

Research team in Mono Lake, California, October, 2022. Pictured from left to right is Jada Langston, Anne Fetrow, Anna Gossard,  Caleb Wegener, and Alexander VanDeWeghe.

Research team at the Outdoor Education Center in Mono Lake, CA, October 2022. Pictured from left to right is Jada Langston, Naomi Levin, Alex VanDeWeghe, Santiago, Anna Gosard, Anne Fetrow, Caleb Wegener and Drew Gronewold.

Research team in Mono Lake, CA, October 2022. Pictured from left to right is Alex Vandeweghe, Andrew Gronewold,  Anna Gossard and Peter Vorster.

Research team collecting water samples in Mono Lake, CA, May 2023. Anna Gossard and Manish Venumuddula pictured.

Anne Fetrow and Anna Gossard with the evaporation pan they installed in Mono Lake, CA. Photo taken in August of 2023

Anne Fetrow, Andrew Gronewold, Laura Akey and Anna Gossard at Lundy Lake, CA. Photo taken August of 2023.

Anna Gossard collecting snowmelt for isotope sampling near Mono Lake, CA.