
LSA's Humanities division is home to 18 units that engage scholars in the study and research of language, history, arts, and culture. Graduate students critically analyze connections between these diverse topics and their impact on the human experience, producing thought-provoking research that is used for public good.

Research in the humanities is centered on understanding the human experience through art, literature, language, and cultures across the world. Humanities scholars in LSA are studying everything from ancient cuneiform script to the evolving challenges of the modern workplace.

The units in the Humanities division in the College of Literature, Science, and the Arts include:

  • Asian Languages and Cultures
  • American Culture
  • Afroamerican and Africa Studies (DAAS)
  • Frankel Center for Judaic Studies
  • Classical Studies
  • Comparative Literature
  • English Languages and Literatures
  • Film, Television, and Media
  • Germanic Languages and Literatures
  • History
  • History of Art
  • Institute for the Humanities
  • Kelsey Museum of Archaeology
  • Middle East Studies
  • Philosophy
  • Residential College
  • Romance Languages and Literatures
  • Slavic Languages and Literatures

To learn more about the research being done in the Humanities units in the College of LSA, visit our website.