The Team

Dr. Daniel R. Goldstein - Principal Investigator

Daniel R. Goldstein obtained his medical degree from St. George’s, University of London, UK.  He undertook a medical residency at Johns Hopkins Bayview Medical Center in Baltimore, MD, USA and his cardiovascular disease, heart failure and transplantation training at the University of Alabama, Birmingham (UAB).  At UAB he was postdoctoral fellow studying transplantation immunology.  Until April 2016 his entire faculty career has been at the Yale School of Medicine, New Haven CT, USA.

On April 1, 2016 he moved to the University of Michigan to direct a basic science center on cardiovascular aging (Michigan Biology of Cardiovascular Aging, MBOCA).  His research interests include how inflammation impacts organ transplantation and how aging impacts acute and chronic inflammation.  He is a member of the American Society of Clinical Investigation, an Established Investigator of the American Heart Association, a Paul Beeson Scholar in Aging Research, a recipient of an Academic Leadership Award from the National Institute on Aging, National Institute of Health, and a recipient of an Outstanding Investigator R35 award from the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute.  In January 2021, he became the Editor-in-Chief of The Journal of Heart and Lung Transplantation, the journal of the

email: Daniel Goldstein 

On twitter: @Gracedan10_99

Sherri Wood - Lab Manager

After completing a BA from UC San Diego and a BS from University of Utah, Sherri worked as a lab manager at University of Utah and for the Department of Surgery at University of Michigan before joining the Goldstein Lab.  Sherri's research interest lies in immunology, particularly in the area of transplantation.  In addition to maintaining the daily functioning of the lab and assisting with research studies, she is assisting with one of the Taubman Institute Innovation Projects, Immune Precision in Solid Organ Transplantation (ImPrec).

email: Sherri Wood 

Jianrui Song - Postdoctoral Fellow

Jianrui completed her BS in Biotechnology at Sichuan Normal University, China and then received her MMed in Oncology from the Second Military Medical University, China.  By working on myeloid IL4Ra in cardiovascular remodeling, she received her Ph.D in Cell and Developmental Biology from the University of Michigan.  Jianrui's current project is focused on how aging promotes vascular diseases via regulating inflammation in adipose tissues.  She is interested in immune responses in cardiovascular diseases and cancer.  Her ultimate career goal is to be a professor in biomedical science research and teaching. Jianrui hopes her research can benefit to people, especially patients, and she hopes she can use what she has learned to train more students.  

email: Jianrui Song

Muriel Blin - Postdoctoral Fellow

Muriel completed her B.S in cellular biology and then performed her M.S in human pathology at University of Aix-Marseille, France.  She achieved a PhD in vascular diseases at University of Aix-Marseille, France, working on a project studying the involvement of an endothelial molecule in atherosclerosis. Muriel's interests focus on the vascular field, inflammation, cardiovascular diseases and aging.  In the future, she projects to head her own research group focusing on cardiovascular diseases. 

email: Muriel Blin

Judy Chen - Postdoctoral Fellow

Judy completed her BS in Cellular and Molecular Biology and Chemistry from Tulane University in 2014 and is now a PhD student in the Program of Immunology at the University of Michigan.  Her scientific interest includes topics such as mucosal barriers, innate immunology and inflammation resolution.  Her project in the Goldstein lab focuses on how aging impacts the immune response to influenza infection.  Judy hopes that her research can one day help reduce the morbidity and mortality associated with flu infections. 

email: Judy Chen

Bruce Skinner - Administrative Assistant

Former Lab Members

Candice Smith, PhD

Postdoctoral Fellow (2016-2019)

Ana Christina Perez Moreno, PhD

Postdoctoral Fellow (2017-2018)

Upasana Kulkarni, PhD

Postdoctoral Fellow (2017-2019)

Jahred Rapin, B.S.

Project Manager(2016-2020)

William Kelley, PhD

Postdoctoral Fellow (2020-2021)

Diana Farris


Daniel Tyrrell, PhD

Postdoctoral Fellow (2016-2021)Research Investigator(2021-2022)