Fliers from physics recruitment

Post date: Apr 05, 2018 2:31:29 PM

SWIP members recently staffed a table at a coffee hour during the Physics department's recruitment weekend for prospective grad students. There we talked to prospective about SWIP, the Michigan physics program, and grad school in general. We also provided three fliers on our table, which we'll link here:

Questions to ask grad programs - This document was adapted from this public google doc compiled by Leah Fulmer at NOAO, compiling questions that are a good idea for students to ask graduate programs. Our thought in handing it out was to help the prospectives both during their visit to Michigan, and more broadly during any other program visits they might go on. In the google doc for our handout, we include a link to another document that has some answers specific to Michigan filled in. 

LGBTQ+ in U of M Physics Resource list - Compiled and provided by GoSTEM & SWIP. 

List of groups for students of color in STEM fields at Michigan

If you have any questions, comments, or suggestions for these documents, please don't hesitate to contact us!