Book Club

About Summer 2023 Book: Organize the Lab edited by Science for the People

We will begin meeting ~June.

Email Claire if you'd like to join our chat and discussion!

The goal of this book club is to offer a space where books, articles, and papers on various subjects relating to race, education, gender and sexuality, disability studies, sociology, diversity, and more can be processed, discussed, and used for enacting change in our department and physics community. We aim to read books relating to advocacy (in and beyond the field of physics and/or relating to academia in general or UM specifically) in sections (approximately 1 hour of reading per week) and hold weekly 1 hour long discussions.

Details about weekly readings, meeting times and location, and more can be found in the Advocacy Book Club spreadsheet

Please join the CoPhIE mailing list if you would like to recieve information about selecting upcoming books and joining our weekly-ish discussions. If you would like to suggest a book, or are looking for a copy of a book, please navigate to the other tabs in this document. We hope you'll join us!

Current book:

"On Being Included: Racism and Diversity in Institutional Life" by Sara Ahmed

Previously read books:

"How to be an Anti-Racist" by Ibram X. Kendi

"Undermining Racial Justice" by Matthew Johnson

"Disciplined Minds" by Jeff Schmidt

"Equity in Science" by Julie Posselt