Awards and Honors

  • Ross Researcher of the Year (one at Ross), 2021

  • Best Proposal Award for Rigor in Research, Competitive Strategy Interest Group (CSIG), Strategic Management Society Conference, 2020

  • Best Session Paper Award, China Marketing International Conference (Theme: Globalization 2.0: China and the World Market), 2019

  • Michael R. and Mary Kay Hallman Fellowship for studying ecosystem boundaries, 2017

  • Poets & Quants Best 40 Under 40 Professor, 2016

  • Academy of Management BPS Division Distinguished Paper Award, 2015

  • Neary PhD Teaching Excellence Award (one at Ross), 2015

  • Sanford R. Robertson Professorship, school-wide junior faculty award to recognize career achievement and outstanding performance in research and teaching (one at Ross), 2014

  • 3M Non-tenured Faculty Award, 2012, 2013, 2014

  • Academy of Management Technology and Innovation Management Division Past Chairs Emerging Scholar Award, runner-up, 2012

  • Nominated for the Ross Junior Faculty Research Award, 2012, 2013

  • INFORMS Organization Science Dissertation Proposal Competition, finalist, 2006

  • Strategic Management Society Best Conference Paper Prize, finalist, 2006

  • Academy of Management (AOM) Technology and Innovation Management (TIM) Division Stephan Schrader Best Conference Paper Award, 2006

  • Best Doctoral Paper award from the Office of Advocacy of the US Small Business Administration, 2005

  • Wharton School Doctoral Fellowship, 2002 – 2007

  • Research Scholarship of National University of Singapore, 1999 – 2001

  • Citibank Scholarship for academic excellence, 1st Prize

  • HongKong Shanghai Bank Corporation (HSBC) Scholarship for academic excellence, 1st Prize

  • Outstanding Student Scholarship, Tsinghua University, 1st Prize

  • Metrobank (Philippine) Foundation Scholarship for academic excellence, Highest Prize

  • One of "Top Ten Students" out of 180,000 examinees of Shandong Province in the National College Entrance Exam, 1994

Teaching Awards and Honors

  • Poets & Quants Best 40 Under 40 Professor, 2016

  • Neary PhD Teaching Excellence Award (one at Ross), 2015

  • Nominated by the Ross BBA Class for the Ross Teaching Excellence Award, 2011

  • Nominated for the PhD Teaching Excellence Award, 2013, 2014