Additional Design Courses
In addition to our capstone design courses, the BME curriculum includes some required supplementary design classes. These courses are specifically designed to provide students with additional opportunities to gain hands-on experience and delve deeper into specialized design areas
ENGR 100
Introduction to Engineering
As the first exposure to engineering for many students, the ENGR 100 courses have been carefully refined to give students an introduction to engineering and technical communication. This project-based course simulates a real-world engineering environment. Each section is centered around a team-based semester long project that is shared during the course showcase. The BME department offers two sections out of the variety of sections available to students to chose from:
510 Section (Winter semester)- Design in Reverse: Dissecting Modern Medical Devices
Hands-on designing, redesigning, and testing of real medical devices
520 Section (Fall semester)- Engineering Wellness: Technologies to Support Physical and Mental Health
Explores research and technologies that support wellness, including wearable sensors
BME 350
Introduction to Biomedical Engineering Design
As the first deep-dive into design, BME 350 exposes students to a variety of new software that is useful in the design process (e.g., MATLAB, COMSOL, SolidWorks) while teaching them how to work in a formal project team and present design findings and deliverables. Students are assigned a design team that works together the whole semester to create a solution for an assigned project.
Required Prerequisites: ENGR 100, Math 215/256/286, BME 231, BME 241
Advisory Prerequisites: BME 211, BME 221
BME 458
Biomedical Instrumentation and Design
BME 458 teaches students:
How to use various electrical equipment
Various medical device function using circuits
To apply prototyping circuitry to biomedical applications
Prerequisites: BME 211 or EECS 215 or EECS 314
Course highlights:
Creating an EKG circuit
Designing and creating a spirometer
Designing and creating a pulse oximeter
Final project of choice using circuitry to address a biomedical problem