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The ARCAD Lab address:

Room 1100, Ford Motor Robotics Building (FRB)

2505 Hayward St

University of Michigan

Ann Arbor, MI 48109

To Prospective Students:

Funded positions are reserved for admitted Ph.D. students based on funding availability. Please make sure to apply to the Robotics Ph.D. program before emailing me so I can look for your application. Prospective students please include your CV, transcript, and portfolio (optional) with a title starting with [PHD application]. Undergraduate and M.S. research opportunities may be available without financial support; feel free to send a resume and cover letter describing your interests. 

We are looking for self-motivated graduate students who have strong backgrounds in:

For Michigan Robotics M.S. Students looking for ROB 590 project:

Please fill out this application (requires Michigan Login)