
Here is a link to my online (informal) teaching reviews from UMD students:

Planet Terp

Fall 2024 courses (at Maryland)

Stat 400 (Applied Probability and Statistics I)

Math 445 (Elementary Mathematical Logic)

Previous courses (at Maryland)

Spring 2024: Math 120 (Elementary Calculus I)

Fall 2023: Math 120 (Elementary Calculus I)

Previous courses (at Williams)

Spring 2023: Math 250 (Linear algebra)

Fall 2022: Math 342 (Logic)

Fall 2022: Math 442 (Introduction to descriptive set theory)

Previous courses (at UIUC)

Fall 2021: Head TA for Math 220, instructor for the Merit Workshop Program 

Spring 2021: Head TA for Math 220, instructor for the Merit Workshop Program

Fall 2020: Head TA for Math 220 

Fall 2019: Head TA for Math 231, instructor for the Merit Workshop Program 

Fall 2018: TA for Math 231

Summer 2018: Instructor for Summer Illinois Math Camp

Spring 2018: TA for Math 231

Fall 2017: TA for Math 112