
At the 2023 JMM with Levi Borevitz, Amelia Shapiro, Naima Nader, and Theo Sandstrom

SMALL REU (at Williams)

The SMALL Undergraduate Research Project is a nine-week residential summer program in which undergraduates investigate open research problems in mathematics.

Association for Women in Mathematics (AWM) (at Williams and UIUC)

The Williams College student chapter of the AWM aims to make the math community more inclusive by providing a social space for members of underrepresented minorities in math and working towards long-term structural changes.

The UIUC graduate chapter of the AWM assists graduate students in advancing in their careers through professional development opportunities. We also seek to expand the future community of women mathematicians through outreach to local students in grades K-12.  Our chapter won the 2018 AWM Student Chapter Award for Community Outreach! 

Summer Illinois Math (SIM) Camp (at UIUC)

SIM Camp is a week-long day camp introducing middle and high school students in the Champaign-Urbana area to the creative, discovery-driven side of mathematics. 

Illinois Geometry Lab (IGL) (at UIUC)

The IGL offers undergraduate research opportunities and hosts community outreach events.