
My area of research is descriptive set theory, more specifically the study of countable Borel equivalence relations and its interactions with other areas, especially ergodic theory and combinatorics. 

Halloween 2023, dressed as myself

Halloween 2019, dressed as the scariest monster I could think of.

Publications and preprints

— with Anush Tserunyan

— Journal of European Math. Soc. (JEMS), to appear (2024+)

— with Matthew Bowen and Antoine Poulin 

— Transactions of the American Math. Soc. , to appear (2024+)

— with Jonathan Boretsky

— Bulletin Polish Acad. Sci. Math., published online (2024)

— with Natalie DuBois, Chris Eufemia, and Jeff Johannes 

Papers with undergraduates

— with Clay Adams, Francesca Cantor, Anese Gashi, Semir Mujevic, Sejin Park, and Austyn Simpson

— with Levi Borevitz, Naima Nader, Theodore Sandstrom, Amelia Shapiro, and Austyn Simpson

J. Pure and Appl. Algebra. 228 (2024), no. 9, Paper No. 107682

— with Zhengda Mo, Sam Qunell, and Anush Tserunyan

Illinois J. Math. 66(1): 59–77 (2022)

— with Ali Guo, Kieran Kaempen, Zhengda Mo, Sam Qunell, Joe Rogge, Chao Song, and Anush Tserunyan

Involve, a Journal of Mathematics 16-2 (2023), 249-264

Other writing