CYC Green School
Our mission is to teach conservation of the environment to young children along with the support of their families, through our programs including Trash Free Tuesdays, Maryland Green School and Eco-school USA participation, the UMD Green Office program, and other school- wide endeavors such as e-waste recycling drives. We believe that young children can begin to understand and learn the importance of being thoughtful about their use of the resources available to them and the impact that this may have on their environment, and that this can lead to their future involvement in matters that concern being a good steward of the world around them.​
Green Committee Members
Student The Blue Room Kindergarten Class, Yellow Room Preschool Class, Orange Room Preschool Class
Teachers- All Teachers at the CYC
Administrator- Dr. Mona Leigh Guha, Leslie Oppenheimer, Anne Daniel, Jennifer Haslip,
Parents- CYC PTP and Hannah Walsh, Laura J. Dugan, Margaret Bereano, Marjan Alaghmand
Community Partner UMD Students- Kira Maginnis, Christina Higgins, Tienne Mohs
Facility Personnel Greg Thompson Asst Dir. VPSA-DS-Maintenance, Office of Sustainability UMD , Sally DeLeon UMD Green Office
Green Leader Anacostia Watershed Society - Ariel Trahan
4028 Valley Drive Building 381,
College Park, MD. 20742
2018 - 2019 Previous Green School webpage.
2012 - 2017 Previous Maryland Green School webpage
Web Developer - Vera Wiest